









Nana Akufo-Addo Campaining in Toronto

Akufo Addo@Toronto 06.08

Tue, 3 Jun 2008 Source: Ghanaian News Canada

Toronto (Ghanaian News Canada) -- The evening with Hon. Nana Addo Akufo-Addo, New Patriotic Party's Presidential candidate and a Member of Ghana Parliament, was the usual politicking. He finally arrived on Thursday evening May 30th at the Ghanaian Presbyterian Church forty five minutes late due to delays at the airport. He apologized for being late which was rather unusual of "Ghana big men".

. His entourage included Hon. Dr. Kofi Konadu Apraku, MP Akomadan, Dr. Kobina Arthur Kennedy, Chair Campaign Communication Committee, Hon. Yaw Osafo Marfo, Special Assistant to the Flag bearer who competed unsuccessfully against Nana Addo during the December NPP presidential congress in Accra.

Other members who accompanied Nana from Ghana were Mr. Yaw Amfo Kwakye, Special Assistant to the Flag bearer,

Ms. Asaabea Yeboah, communication officer campaign committee, Nana Ohene Ntow, General Secretary, Anim Obiri, Campaign outreach co-coordinator

The crowd that attended the event was mostly NPP supporters residing in Toronto. Nana got a rousing welcome when he walked into the church. The introductions were full of praises as one would expect from party faithfuls.

Nana's address to the party faithfuls was divided into two parts. The first part blamed NDC, and the second highlighted the achievements made by NPP, which Nana hopes to continue if the party is re-elected, and he becomes next President of Ghana.

Nana indicated that NPP Party inherited from NDC inflation, empty coffers and a devalued Ghana Cedi when his Party formed the government in 2000. Nana therefore said NPP started governing from a disadvantaged point with regards to the Ghana economy. NPP was surprised to see the government coffers empty of cash and Ghana's universal education was dead contrary to the constitution.

On the achievements of NPP, Nana focused on Education, Micro Economy and Health Care. On education, the NPP presidential candidate said his government resurrected Ghana's universal education system. It is no longer dead statement in Ghana's constitution, and that people can now actually experience the facts on the ground. He indicated that on the watch of NPP, Ghana's universal education system has improved in quality and accessible by every kid. Nana said 9-13yr olds are now entering into the education system. This is made possible through the 'capitation" program.

The NPP presidential candidate continued on his education policies indicating that "education has to be available to every kid" therefore, model schools that resemble Achimota, Adisadel, Prempeh and Mfantsipim would be established in every district. This would eventually reduce the monopoly of high office holders in Ghana mostly coming from the famous schools. A special emphasis would be made on teachers' training therefore 15 colleges would be selected for the program. Nana said "if this is maintained within a decade, illiteracy would be eradicated".

On the Health care situation, the NPP presidential candidate blamed the defeated NDC government for their wrong cash and carry policy. He said the system of "cash and carry" discouraged people from accessing the health service. According to the Presidential candidate, NPP has registered 55 percent of Ghanaians in the new Health Care system established by his government. In the NPP health care policy, minors less than 18yrs would have free access to health care. He added $40 million would be coming from Great Britain for the program.

Nana addressed the brain drain of Ghana's professionals to greener pastures. Though, it is a concern to him, he was not specific on policies his government would create to stop it. On Diaspora Ghanaians, he said they are important partners to the development of Ghana.

On the economy, Nana spoke of the need for Ghana to move away from exporting of raw materials to industrialization. Nana believes that Ghanaians are by nature entrepreneurs, and given good leadership they will flourish. The control of micro economics is fundamental for businesses to make commitment and plan for the future. Nana added "Ghana is completely free from (IMF) International Monetary Fund".

Nana also spoke of the discovery of oil in Ghana and its repercussions. He referred to the curse that other African countries who discovered oil are suffering from, the corruptions and conflicts. The NPP presidential candidate promised his government would be held accountable for oil

revenue if misused. He would ask Parliament to legislate laws to protect oil revenue so that it would not find its way into Nana Addo Akuffo's ministers' pockets.

The NPP presidential candidate gave the faithfuls the assurance that he would work hard to be elected president come December general election.

On Friday May 30th, 2008, Nana Akuffo-Addo and his team met with the Ghanaian Business people at Days Hotel. It was an informal Breakfast "meet and greet event by all standards. Nana shared some of his visions "Why we must believe in Ghana" at the meeting with the participants. Nana had one-on-one conversation with the business people who shared their concerns and frustrations about some of the government policies.

Nana Akuffo-Addo assured them of his readiness and wilingness to address all of their problems if he becomes the next President.

On Friday evening at the Days Hotel, a Dinner/Dance was held in honor of Nana Akuffo-Addo Dankwa. The event started with a welcome address and program overview by MCs Ms.Bellinia Agyemfra, and Ms Dora Anie. An opening prayer was offered by Rev.Dr. Osei, Kwabena Dugan, followed by the Canadian and Ghanaian National Anthems which were sung by Ms. Barbara Adoquaye. Mr. MacDonald Agbenyo, NPP Toronto Chapter Chairperson, gave a brief address about the achievements of the party and the way forward. Dr. Yaw Okraku, a dentist by Profession who was the chairman of the occasion, also addressed the gathering. Introduction of the key note speaker, Nana Akufo-Addo, was done by Nana Ohene Ntow, General Secretary.

Maame Lucy Crentsil, a Toronto based singer/ song writer, graced the evening with the NPP Anthem, and lunched a special song entitled Nana Akufo-Addo, "GHANAMAN TAA WAKYI".

In attendance were the Ghana High Commissioner, Her Excellency Mrs. Dr. Margaret Amoakohene, the Consul General, Kwabena Asare and his wife, many dignitaries from outside the Ghanaian community, some prominent members of the Ghanaian/Canadian community and some community association members.

The Hall was filled to its capacity. Attendance to the event was a pure success. Ms. Beatrice Agyekum, gave the vote of thanks.

Source: Ghanaian News Canada