









Nduom to visit Volta Region

Nduom@Chicago 08

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, July 18, GNA - The flag bearer of the Convention People's Party's (CPP), Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom will begin his third tour of the Volta Region with a visit to the Tongu area from July 19-21.

Dr. Nduom will visit North, South and Central Tongu constituencies, with his first call at North Tongu, where together with members of his campaign team, he would meet CPP executives at Sogakope, said a statement issued by his campaign team in Accra on Friday.

He will be at Adidome and its environs in the South Tongu Constituency on the second day and end with a visit to Juapong and the surrounding villages in the Central Tongu Constituency on Monday. He is billed to meet CPP members and party executives assisting in the registration of first time voters to offer assistance where necessary.

Dr. Nduom will also be in the field to assess the polling station work. He will address constituency executives, parliamentary candidates and other CPP stakeholders during the tour.

As part of his itinerary, Dr Nduom would be meeting with farmers, fishermen, artisans and other identifiable groups in the three constituencies to explain to the constituents his 10-point agenda for Ghana which he hopes to implement to the fullest when he is elected President.

The 10-point plan includes the creation of just and discipline society with a passion for excellence; reform state institutions; reduce the size of government; sponsor amendments to the Constitution to enable election of all District Assembly members and strengthen and sponsor changing the Constitution to abolish the provision that allows Ministers of State to serve as Members of Parliament.

The plan also talks about the provision of quality education for every Ghanaian child from the kindergarten to Senior High School with libraries, toilets, classrooms, kitchen and housing for teachers; implement solutions with a sense of urgency to meet domestic needs for industry and domestic use and make Ghana a net exporter of power again in four years; to ensure a cleaner environment free from preventable diseases like malaria, cholera and guinea worm and also to provide affordable and accessible health care for all in every region. Dr Nduom has toured majority of constituencies in the Volta Region on his previous two visits. They include Nkwanta, Ho South and Central, Ketu North and South, Biakoye, Akan, Keta and Anlo constituencies.

Source: GNA