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New Year: Apostle Philip Osei-Korsah beseeches Christians to work hard

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Wed, 6 Jan 2021 Source: Daniel Kaku, Contributor

Correspondence from Western Region

Apostle Philip Osei-Korsah, the Axim Area Head of The Church of Pentecost in the Western Region, has implored all Christians in Ghana to work extra hard in 2021.

He emphasized that God eschews laziness but embraces hardworking adding "so therefore, to all Christians, we don't have to say we have prayed and then we begin to fold our alms and seek that blessings will fall like manner, manner has ceased falling but when we work hard, that is where the Lord is going to add His blessings, He is going to maximize our effort and this is what I am beseeching every believer to be doing".

Apostle Philip Osei-Korsah made the above statement in an exclusive interview with GhanaWeb Western Regional Correspondent, Daniel Kaku at the premises of Aiyinasi Zion Assembly of The Church of Pentecost in the Ellembelle District where the church organised a fasting and prayer session dubbed "Power To Begin 2021" to usher in it's members and Ghanaians as a whole into God's protection.

This year's session was under the theme, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength and they will mount up like Eagle, they will walk and will never wary, they run and never get tired", which was taken from the book of Isaiah 40:31.

In a New Year message, Apostle Philip Osei-Korsah thanked God for taking care of the Church members and Ghanaians in general throughout the year 2020 and brought them safely into 2021.

"As we entered the year, believers; I have a word for all and sundry, we are grateful to God for His mercies and kindness for bringing us thus far. Because He is capable of taking care of us, He will continue to be with us", he said.

He, therefore, entreated all Ghanaians to rely on God and trust in Him.

"All that I want people to know is that we need to depend on God, trust in Him, and wait on Him and He will give directions, He will give strength, we can live and live well when we rely on the Holy Spirit and His leadings”, he stated.

He added that: "We may be expecting so many things as far as this year is concerned but it is the Lord who will bring these things to pass, we need to look unto Him, also I want to urge everyone that we must be working extra hard, God eschews laziness, He embraces hardworking...".

Apostle Osei-Korsah also thanked Almighty God for the peaceful general elections Ghana had in 2020.

"On the political front; by the Grace of God we were able to hold elections peacefully, as we know the aftermath, believers, we don't have to relent in prayers, for the Lord is in control and we are hoping that we will continue to enjoy the peace that God has given us", he stated.

As many Prophets have been predicting calamities for leaders in this country, the Axim Area Head of The Church of Pentecost Apostle Philip Osei-Korsah took the opportunity to intercede for leaders in this country against any form of untimely death.

"We are also praying for our leaders that the Lord will sustain them and guide their lives, there is one thing we should know about God, He grants us leaders and the leaders are supposed to serve their terms and mandates, we are praying to avert any form of untimely death, we stand against it in Jesus name and preserve the lives of our leaders, president, the cabinet, and all who are in authority and in positions."

"We know that our God is faithful and their lives are in His hands and He is going to guide them and to sustain them. We pray that the Lord will satisfy them with long lives because that is the promise that He has for his people and we pray for the blessings of the Lord to be upon everyone and the nation. Amen". He interceded."

Talking about the program, Apostle Philip-Osei Korsah stated that: "It's a programme we started three years ago and this the third time we have done it, it's the vision of the Church and it has to do with getting the members prepared and setting them up with the word of God to do exploit... So we have captioned it "Power To Begin" whatever they will need to start the New Year with."

"They need confident, courage and boldness, these are from the word of God, there is also the prayer factor, so whatever vision that we shall have, we need to solidify it through prayer. So we decided to bring the members together having ended the year and gone through Christmas festivities we come together to wait on the Lord and seek direction for the year or the days ahead".

The Church organized this year's Power To Begin strictly under Coronavirus safety protocols where all participants put on nose masks and observed social distancing and hand washing.

Apostle Philip Osei-Korsah commended his church members for observing COVID-19 safety protocols and expressed his happiness about the program.

"...We were supposed to have held this programme for 3 days by bringing the people together to sleep; looking at COVID-19 situation as we don't know each other status, it was not advisable to bring them under a common roof to sleep overnight, so we decided to hold it one day and by the grace of God it has been very good. This year’s program was under the theme: "But They That Wait Upon the Lord Shall Renew their Strength and they will Mount up like Eagle", which was taken from Isaiah 40:31 and the import was to whet the appetite of the members and to challenge them to have the mindset of an eagle”. He said.

"There are so many characteristics of an eagle which can serve as very good lesson for a believer, especially when you are starting the year and that is what we have made them to know and have also prayed on. We are trusting God that there is going to be a renewal of mind especially to have the mind-set of an Eagle then there is nothing that should prevent them from doing what they will set their hearts to do as they will be hardworking, and are ready to go the extra mile. They will be people of vision and all the likes that can be seen about Eagle", he added.

The members of the Church, however, seized the occasion, to offer prayers for widows and widowers, youth, children, the sick, singles, and married for divine direction and guidance.

Source: Daniel Kaku, Contributor