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Obosomase Akuapem gets coronavirus relief aid from its US-based indigenes

Face Masks Locally Made 5.jfif File photo

Fri, 15 May 2020 Source: Kwame Adjetewa, Contributor

Obsworld USA Inc, a non-profit organization based in the United States has initiated a program aimed at providing some relief from Coronavirus-related hardships for elderly residents of Obosomase, a historic town in the Akuapem North district of Ghana’s Eastern region.

Members of the organization are indigenes of the town resident in the United States and Canada.

Code named OBS Corona Hardship Relief Fund, (OCHaRF), the program set out to raise funds to purchase and provide food items and other supplies for senior citizens in the town who are adversely impacted by the Covid 19 pandemic. Its initial fund drive brought in several hundred dollars donated by members and an impressive slate of friends yearning to support a worthy Ghanaian cause.

This enabled the organization to purchase and distribute over 200 bags of rice, cooking oil and face masks for the town’s elderly residents whose sources of livelihood (mainly remittances) had virtually been destroyed by the raging pandemic.

The house to house exercise took place in the town on May 13, 2020 strictly in conformity with the country’s social distancing guidelines. It was supervised and coordinated by the town’s Gyasehemaa Nana Abena Obiribea and Mr. Samuel Ansah who is the organization’s local representative.

According to its spokesperson and president, Mr. G. Ofori Anor, Obsworld USA was founded and incorporated in 2016 primarily to mobilize external resources for the town’s development. Its membership is drawn from the town’s diaspora indigenes based in far and wide places across the USA and Canada - Toronto Canada, Atlanta GA, Philly PA, Maryland, Boston Mass, Washington DC, Connecticut, New Jersey and good old New York.

“Our monthly meetings on the net are effused with a permeating feeling of brotherliness and a patriotic willingness to help uplift our dear town”, says he.

He went further to talk about an educational enrichment program the organization has been running for school kids in the town since 2017. Called the Obosomase Youth Educational Program (OYEP), it provides funding for after school remedial and enrichment activities for junior high school kids due to test into senior high school. Funds for the program pays for teacher stipends and instructional materials.

He paid glowing tribute to the Brooklyn New York based Bethel Reformed Presbyterian Church led by Rev Dr Moses Biney which “back in 2018 gave us a generous grant that enabled us purchase vital school materials that are still being used today”.

Obsworld USA Inc’s programs of community development and empowerment are ongoing and interminable. Obosomase indigenes and friends across North America are invited, nay encouraged, admonished, pleaded with, goaded to join and support. It is a worthy cause.

Source: Kwame Adjetewa, Contributor
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