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Osagyefo Dr... Kwame Nkrumah's 88th Birthday Celebrated

Tue, 23 Sep 1997 Source: --

Accra, (Greater Accra) 21 Sept.,

Accra, (Greater Accra) 21 Sept., Activists and faithful of the late Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana's first President, today marked his 88th birthday in Accra with the formation of the Kwame Nkrumah Forum, to be a uniting body for Nkrumaists. Mr. John Tettegah, a Minister in Dr. Nkrumah's government, who announced this at the forecourt of the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum, said such a Forum will work under the banner of the Progressive Alliance, led by President Jerry John Rawlings. The ceremony, organised by the Liberated Nkrumaists Brigade (LNB) of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), was attended by hundreds of NDC supporters and Nkrumaists, ministers of state and foreign dignatories. Mr. Tettegah said "let all true Nkrumaists rally around this platform and let us formulate the agenda and programme that must unite all progressives in our country". Mr. Tettegah said Nkrumaists should not bask in a mirage of unity built on emotion and sentiment but rather "project the Nkrumaists movement as a dynamic force that has an agenda that will carry this country and its people forward to the vision of the Osagyefo." According to him, the invocation of Dr. Nkrumah's name and their claims to be his genuine heirs are insufficient to overcome the present challenges of the country, including economic independence, social justice, priority to the masses and Pan-Africanism. Prof. Kofi Awoonor, a Minister of State, said Nkrumaism has been born anew under the NDC and, therefore, the nation has finally grasped the baton handed to it by Dr. Nkrumah to enter the 21st century as a new and progressive nation. He indicated that there is no turning back but rather "more struggle against feudalism, elitism and rivalry" adding that history will not allow Ghana's freedom struggle to be falsified. Mr. Isaac Torto, Vice-Chairman of the Liberated Nkrumahist Brigade(LNB) described Nkrumah's commitment to the liberation struggle in Africa and her fight for independence as unflinching. Mr. Torto regretted that his commitment for the African High Command and its temporary headquarters in Ghana was abandoned after the overthrow of the CPP government. He said it is gratifying to note that the recent pronouncement of President Bill Clinton to support and train troops from Africa to form an African Task Force to deal with problems on the continent had vindicated Nkrumah's vision for solving conflicts in the horn of Africa. The Vice Chairman of the LNB pointed out that by "NKrumah Never Dies" is meant that his good works and achievements will never be forgotten. He stressed the need for Ghanaians to promote a spiritual revolution that would help invigorate efforts at surmounting national difficulties. Alhaji Huudu Yahya, General Secretary of the NDC said the demise of apartheid and the emergence of President Mandela's Africa National Congress have proved that Ghana's independence had inspired the total liberation of Africa from colonial rule. He admitted that even though Nkrumah's vision of political and economic integration of the continent have not yet materialised, the subjects are still not discarded, adding, "they, and the issue of an African Military High Command are still being prominently discussed at regional and sub-continental levels, and with time they shall be implemented." Alhaji Yahya urged Ghanaians not only to reflect on the legacy that Nkrumah had left for the nation but to resolve firmly to build upon it until the battle against poverty, hunger, ignorance, disease and underdevelopment are won. "Nkrumah's vision of Ghana as a gateway to Africa is still on course, and with hard work and determination we shall get there as envisaged in our vision 2020 agenda." Other speakers at the function were Mr. E. Provencal, member of the Kwame Nkrumah Revolutionary Guards, Mr. Sergio Corrieri, member of the central committee of the Cuban Communist Party and leader of the Cuban delegation to the anniversary celebration. Cameroon, Mali, the Gambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Benin, Burkina Faso, South Africa and the United States were also represented at the function at which the Cuban delegation laid a wreath.

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