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Our Christianity is mouth-mouth Christianity - Fiifi Kwetey

Fiifi Kwetey Green

Fri, 16 May 2014 Source: GNA

Mr. Fifi Kwetey, a Minister at the Presidency, says Christians today practice what he calls 'mouth-mouth Christianity, professing the name and not acting it,' and has urged the Church to lead the country onto a path of transformation, using self-discipline and fear of God as flagships.

Mr. Fifi Kwetey, who is also the Member of Parliament (MP) for Ketu South, made the call at the Fifth Synod of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana, Southern Presbytery at Aflao.

He said current economic challenges being faced by the country could be partly blamed on pervasive indiscipline in all fibre of society.

The Synod theme was: “The God of Life, Lead Us to Justice, Peace and Dignity for Wholeness.”

“Indiscipline is pervasive in our country, with Pastors, MPs, Chiefs and everyone doing what they are not supposed to do, and this is the partial reason for the woes,” Mr. Kwetey stressed.

He said, “faith building in our people for the right thing and love for our country and people can be the vehicle for this transformation.”

Mr. Kwetey said besides the external shocks, the current high wage bill was another issue contributing greatly to suffocating the country.

He said the wage bill was taking almost everything, with no reserve for infrastructure and investment.

He said for political reasons, governments over the years had succumbed to pressures for wage rises.

“Enough is enough and we cannot continue that way,” he said.

Mr. Kwetey said if a nation “consumed all that it grows, ” without a reserve for re-investment, that country would surely collapse, noting Ghana was “doing exactly that, and there must be a way out”.

He said the National Economic Forum which started on Tuesday, is to bring all shades of opinion to arrive at a consensus on the right way forward to save the future of the country and that of its yet-born children.

“A nation divided against itself shall surely fall, and we cannot afford that path,” Mr. Kwetey said.

He urged the church to stand by government and the country, even now.

Mr. Kwetey described the E.P. Church as “a major backbone of the Volta Region over the years,” urging it (EP Church) and the Church in general to sustain support for the country.

He decried indiscipline among Christians, saying some of them were engaging in fraud and embezzlement.

“Our Christianity is mouth-mouth Christianity and, we are mouth-mouth children of God, professing the name and not acting it,” Mr Kwetey said.

He promised to support the church at Aflao to put up a kindergarten block for its basic school.

Reverend Sammy Amoako, Acting Moderator of the Church announced plans of the church to establish a College of Education at Dzodze in the Volta Region, to train teachers.

Rev Lordson Dzakpasu, Synod Moderator, admitted things were falling apart for humanity, because of man’s alienation from God.

Source: GNA