









Paa Kwesi Nduom Takes a Commanding Lead

Paa Kwesi Nduom

CPP to Pick the Castle Keys.
Papa Kwesi Nduom the CPP Member of Parliament for Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem Constituency and a CPP Presidential aspirant has taken a commanding lead in a poll Conducted by the most informative, educative and one choice for Ghanaians in the Diaspora in their quest for news and information about our only motherland, Ghana, Ghanaweb.Com. Papa Kwesi Nduom has taken a respectable 58.4% lead.

This is unsurprising taking into account his stewardship to the people of KEEA, The CPP Party, Ghana and the world at large.

CPP as a Party is now almost at the end of its electioneering campaign for offices / positions within the Party. The election so far to a degree has been conducted and projected the Party as the real alternative, this should be a credit to the new CPP that the likes of Nduom and Ladi Nylander have over the years advocated for. These men have conducted their campaign with courtesy, have been thoughtful, considerate, honest, imaginative; creative, have excellent breadth of knowledge, exhibited a good generosity of outlook et al et al. what a credit to these men. We all raise our heart to you and your good intentions Ladi Nylander and Papa Kwesi Nduom.

Voters who voted in the polls on sharing their reason why the voted the way the voted told yours truly that, CPP as a Party and Ghana as a Country needs someone who is Purposeful Keen and a Nation builder, someone who will bring a renewed sense of urgency and make Ghana Prosperous, Secure, Better and a Fairer Country to live, visit and work in, hence the reason for voting for Papa Kwesi Nduom. Papa Kwesi Nduom?s reason for being in politics is motivated by a simple conviction ? that we have the potential to create a much better future for ourselves and our children but will only do so if we work together with a new purpose, pursue a new direction and new leadership.

Ghana deserves a Shrewd Purposeful and a Conviction politician. All across Ghana today there are enormous untapped potential. Sometimes there are simple things that bring it home. Children willingly to learn but no classrooms to teach them, or no books or desk, young people in their twenties who have never had a job; People living in fear, terrified in their won homes, thugs taken over our streets, inadequate Police force, Nurses and Doctors turned Detention Officers Cum debt collectors, political institutions so remote that they no longer seem to serve the people but to serve only themselves. Ghana deserves Papa Kwesi Nduom. He is inspirational. He is a Patriot. He is Mr fix it ?OYEEADEEYIE?. Kwesi Come and Mend it, come and fix it. Come and make Ghana a One Nation, One People with a common vision, to be Prosperous, Fairer, Secured and Better.

Source: ben attah hayford esq. ([email protected])