









Plot To Assasinate Rawlings?


Tue, 22 Jun 2010 Source: Daily Post

…or call for him to be assassinated?

By Daily Post Monitoring Desk

Flt. Lt. J.J Rawlings’ life has always been under threat since he exploded on to Ghana’s political landscape. So, it’s no news reporting that there is a plot to assassinate him. But a possible fresh plot to assassinate him by elements within the NDC is definitely news!

About a month ago intelligence sources hinted this paper of a plot by faceless people within the party Rawlings founded, the NDC, to assassinate him. While the Daily Post was working undercover to unmask the identities of the plotters, a newspaper article by quack historian, Colin Essamuah, in the Daily Graphic of Wednesday June 16 hinted about the imminent assassination of the Former President.

In the article, Colin Essamuah, who later claimed on Radio Gold to be a historian, attacked Rawlings for being critical of President Mills’ style of governance. He also took the Rawlingses to the cleaners over Mrs. Rawlings’s decision to contest President Mills for the NDC 2012 flag bearer slot whereas, indeed, the Former First Lady has not made any such claim. After painting Rawlings as an ingrate for not appreciating the works that the likes of the Ahwois have done for him, the quack historian virtually hinted Rawlings about the fate that awaits him if he supports his wife against Mills. He writes:

“…I recommend for Former President Rawlings’ enlightenment, the biography of Major Envor of the Turkish Army who was stabbed to death on the streets of Berlin in the 1930s by the son of one of his victims of the several political convulsions he was actively involved in between the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WW1 and the emergence of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1922.

“His murderer was acquitted by the jury and Envor who was once a very powerful and influential figure in Turkish politics at the time has all but vanished from the history books.” A psychologist, whom the Daily Post contacted to try and drill into the mind of Colin Essamuah opined that “the write up is either a warning to Rawlings about what awaits him if he does not stop trying to prop up his wife to contest the 2012. It may also be an open invitation to any one who wishes to avenge his or her father’s death during the June 4 revolt by killing Rawlings.”

Daily Postintelligence is working round the clock to unmask those who may be plotting to assassinate the Former President. As at the time of filing this report, the Daily Post was on the verge of closing in on the identities of the NDC elements who would like to assassinate the founder of the party. Stay tuned

Source: Daily Post