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Mon, 8 May 2017 Source:

National Chairman of the People’s National Convention and the Managing Editor of the Insight newspaper have criticised handlers of the President, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo, for exposing him to public ridicule.

According to Bernard Mornah and Kwesi Pratt Jnr, the fact that the President’s handlers could be in the know that the First Gentleman has "flu", yet oftentimes prepare a lengthy speech for him to read, and also fail to cross-check some important facts in his speeches, is a clear act of ‘sabotage’.

The two were commenting on President Akufo Addo’s May Day speech during a panel discussion on Radio Gold’s Alhaji and Alhaji.

Bernard Mornah

The PNC National Chairman does not understand why the President’s handlers continuously expose him to ‘national and international embarrassment’ especially in his speeches.

“The handlers of the President have a very big problem…because of the way they handle him, they have always subjected him to national and international ridicule and by extension subjected all of us as a people to an international ridicule and embarrassment…they could have made his speech shorter; if they knew he had cold (flu), they could have made his speech brief but they didn’t do that and he was coughing intermittently and I think it was not proper; except that deliberately they consistently want to subject him to embarrassment…they could have made the speech very brief; they (handlers) need to watch out and do better than they are doing…he is not just the president for NPP but a president for all of us” he said.

Kwesi Pratt

The Senior Journalist, on his part, opines that “it appears our president is not getting the best of advice…people appointed to assist him do his work are letting him down big time. May Day is such an important occasion…it is important to get his facts right; more than 26000 ghost names have…

Before May Day it had been established that some of the workers (among the list of ghost names) are still at post and they are working…and yet somebody put that in the speech of the president; clear sabotage of the president. I think it is embarrassing for the President to be subjected to this and I think the handlers should do better. It is very important for the handlers of the President to be very careful about what they put in his speech”
