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‘Probe Boakye Agyarko’s AMERI re-negotiation deal if you are not corrupt’ – Kpabitey dares Akufo-Addo

Felix Nene Kpabitey Felix Nene Kpabitey

Fri, 29 Mar 2019 Source:

President Nana Akufo-Addo has been challenged to dig deep into the circumstances surrounding the sacking of former Energy Minister, Boakye Agyarko if he is committed to fighting corruption in his government.

A member of the opposition NDC national communication team, Felix Nene Kpabitey wants the president to set a bi-partisan committee to investigate the renegotiation of the controversial AMERI novation and amendment agreement that got Mr Agyarko fired in August 2018.

“…We all know the story that has panned out as a result of the deal and the President believes that in the interest of the Ghanaian people, in the interest of the country and in the interest of his own administration, the Minister for Energy, Hon. Boakye Agyarko should be relieved of his position,” Director of Communications at the Presidency, Eugene Arhin told Citi news.

After the John Mahama administration signed a contract with Africa and Middle East Resources Investment Group (AMERI) Energy, to rent the 300MW of emergency power to the country in 2015, the Akufo-Addo administration said the government was shortchanged, thus it opted for a renegotiation of the deal which was led by Mr Agyarko.

But in the new proposed deal, the government was to pay a total of $1.375 billion for the AMERI power plant over approximately 15 years instead of the original $510 million.

Although the revised deal was sent to Parliament under a certificate of urgency, the law making chamber deferred its deliberation on the contract due to concerns over the cost and value for money.

After serious, persistent criticisms from CSOs and a section of Ghanaians over the deal,President Akufo-Addo came to tell Ghanaians he was “misled” to append his signature on the bad deal and subsequently fired Agyarko.

7 months after the sector minister was sacked, the government that promised Ghanaians in opposition to tackle corruption head-on has gone quiet over the conspicuous attempt by its own people to fleece the state.

It is for this reason that the NDC communicator is admonishing the president, whose government has been hugely criticised for shielding corrupt officials, to investigate his sacked minister over the AMERI deal.

Contributing as a panel member on Ete Sen on Radio XYZ 93.1, Kpabitey observed the government is not committed to fighting corruption that is on the ascendancy under his watch.

“If Nana Akufo-Addo wants Ghanaians to believe that he is committed to fighting corruption, he should either set a bi-partisan committee to investigate circumstances surrounding the review of AMERI or hand the issue to the Special Prosecutor” Kpabitey admonished.

He mentioned the Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu, whose job is to investigate and prosecute corrupt officials, could be tasked to take the matter so Ghanaians know the president was not lying when he said corruption will not thrive under his watch.

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