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Public Agenda

Mon, 30 Nov 1998 Source: --

"Two weeks to congress..... No candidates for NDC elections," says a front page lead headline of Public Agenda. The paper says with just about two weeks to the national congress of the ruling NDC, no candidate has publicly offered himself or herself to contest for positions on the party's National Executive Committee. The Public Agenda says among the major items on the agenda for the three-day congress beginning from Thursday December, 10, at Sekondi in the Western Region, is the election of the party's national officers, including chairman, vice-chairman, general secretary, treasurer and press secretary. The paper says election of these official is supposed to be done every two years according to article 29(2) of the NDC constitution, but the last time such elections were held was in 1996. The party has announced that its Presidential and Parliamentary candidates would not be elected until year 2000, in keeping with its constitution.

"Two weeks to congress..... No candidates for NDC elections," says a front page lead headline of Public Agenda. The paper says with just about two weeks to the national congress of the ruling NDC, no candidate has publicly offered himself or herself to contest for positions on the party's National Executive Committee. The Public Agenda says among the major items on the agenda for the three-day congress beginning from Thursday December, 10, at Sekondi in the Western Region, is the election of the party's national officers, including chairman, vice-chairman, general secretary, treasurer and press secretary. The paper says election of these official is supposed to be done every two years according to article 29(2) of the NDC constitution, but the last time such elections were held was in 1996. The party has announced that its Presidential and Parliamentary candidates would not be elected until year 2000, in keeping with its constitution. P & P ***** The P and P in an inside page says that unable to tolerate the continuous stench emanating from the room of a 47-year-old stroke patient in her house, a landlady has deposited the poor oldman as well as his belongings, on a refuse dump at New Tafo, Akim, in the Eastern Region. The paper says to the landlady and the tenants, the smell from Mr. Atogobem's room where he urinated and defecated without cleaning or washing his clothes, could no longer be tolerated, hence the "transfer" to the refuse dump. It says a "Good Samaritan", has gone to his aid and erected a hut in the middle of the refuse dump popularly known as '555 boiler', for the pale-looking stroke patient. The P and P says its investigations at New Tafo indicated that Mr. Atogobem, who hails from the Kassena-Nankani District in the Upper East Region, came to the town more than 30 years ago and had worked with the local town council. The paper says throughout his stay, Mr. Atogabem had no wife, children and no member of his family ever visited him.

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