









RE: Ghana Embassy in Copenhagen needs a face-lift

Embassy Denmark


We wish to react to the "GHANA EMBASSY IN COPENHAGEN NEEDS A FACE LIFT" publication which appeared on Ghanaweb on 23rd March, 2010.

The visa section accepts cheques and cash for the payment of visa fees. It is therefore not correct that the Embassy accepts only cash for its transactions. The charges are as follows:

DKK300 for single entry visa

DKK450 for multiple entry visa

The Mission charges an extra DKK200 for express service if the applicant so wishes. Visa applicants outside Denmark pay their visa fees by cheque, the banks charge DKK100 to clear each cheque and the Embassy also charges DKK100 for registered mail to return passports to visa applicants. What this means is that a visa applicant outside Denmark needs to send a cheque of DKK500 for single visa or DKK 650 for multiple visa. In the event of the applicant requesting for express service then an extra DKK200 is added. These guidelines are available on our webpage under the heading “guidelines for visa applicants”.

The writer of the article would have helped the general public and done a great service to the Embassy if the name of the so called friend who paid for multiple visa and was given single visa was made available to enable the Embassy publish the details of the visa application and fees paid. Since the person did not provide his/her name we are unable to verify the claims. But we can assure the writer and the general public that it is not possible for an applicant to pay for multiple visa and then be issued with a single visa. The staff of the Embassy are up to their tasks to help our compatriots and uplift the image of Ghana. Please find Appendix (D) and (E) attached.

The Embassy processes over five thousand (5,000) applications annually, however space will not permit us to publish the countless number of mails we receive commending us for efforts to project a positive image of Ghana.- Appendix (F)

Mr. Linus Atarah applied for single visa on 14/12/09 and his passport was mailed to him in Finland by the Danish Postal system on 16th December 2009. His tracking number as provided by the Danish Postal system is RR075729288DK. - Appendix (A). Following a report by Mr. Atarah that his passport was not delivered, the Embassy contacted Post Denmark and they provided a transmission script Appendix (B) attached. This can be verified at

The Embassy went ahead to lodge an official complaint with the Danish Post on behalf of Mr. Atarah Appendix (C).

In the light of the above the Embassy is at a loss why Mr. Atarah will accuse staff of the Embassy of dereliction of duty. The facts speak for themselves and the Embassy will not engage in unnecessary polemics which would distract us from our core duty of projecting a positive image of Ghana and helping our compatriots in very trying circumstances. Thank You