









Re: 2008 Miss Ghana Canada Pageant

Miss Ghana Canada 08

Sun, 7 Sep 2008 Source: --

Press Release: On August 23, 2008 the 8th crowning of Miss Ghana Canada occurred at the beautiful Famee Furlane Banquet Hall in Toronto. The winner announced by the host was Bianca Bempong.

Two talented young Ghanaians, Bridged Bempong and Constance Aniwaah produced the pageant this year. Constance and Bridged were authorized by the President of the pageant Mr. George Fynn to produce the pageant this year and then be evaluated thereafter if to continue. Decision making authority with respect to this year’s end product was in hands of Bridged and Constance.

Chatter emerged immediately after the winner was announced about possible conflict of interest that existed between the winner and other members of the organizing team.

The president was requested by members of the community to investigate this and other allegations. George Fynn took on the investigation and found the following:

• There is a cousin relationship between the winner Bianca Bempong and one of the executive producers Bridged Bempong. This relationship was not declared to the other contestants prior to the competition.

• There was an addition error in the awarded total score for one of the contestants by one of the judges that netted a contestant a 10 points lesser score which then knocked her out of the top five.

The pageant president has taken back all decision making authority and is continuing with this investigation for a complete thorough outcome.

As for now, the judges’ decision is final and Bianca Bempong is still Miss Ghana Canada 2008.

This investigation is expected to be completed by month end at which time a report and decision will be announced.

For more information, contact George Fynn at 416 816 0036

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