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Scrap 'bogus' Farmers' Day celebration - Akuafo Mma

Farmers Pro Farmers' Day in Ghana is celebrated on the first Friday of December each year

Tue, 5 Dec 2017 Source:

A group calling itself Akuafo Mma has called on government to scrap the annual farmers’ day award ceremony.

In a statement signed group’s Secretary Kwabena Agyapong and President Fiifi Ankomah, said the farmers’ day celebration is not benefitting the poor but rather the well to do farmers.

The statement said, ‘’ We (Akuafo Mma) believe that Ghana’s agricultural landscape is made up of more peasant farmers who need to be motivated in order for them to produce on larger quantities, not the few who are already made off.

Therefore if the farmers’ day celebrations won’t benefit the poor peasant farmers then we don’t see the reason why a day should be set aside to award the few well-to-do ones.

Peasant farmers must also be motivated through a support scheme that will see them progress from their current situation of peasantry.’’

The group further expressed disappointment at the failure of the state to hand over the benefits due to the 2016 best farmer. The National Farmers Day is commemorated each year on the first Friday of December to honor our gallant Farmers and Fishers.

The event acknowledges the vital position Farmers and Fishers occupy in the nations socio-economic development.

Below is the full statement Press release Farmers Day celebrations must be scrapped~Akuafo Mma

For more than three decades farmers’ day celebrations have been held by successive governments without bringing any significant improvements in their lives. Most often, a few of the farmers who are already well-to-do get awarded at the detriment of the peasant and poor farmers.

We (Akuafo? Mma) believe that, Ghana’s agricultural landscape is made up of more peasant farmers who need to be motivated in order for them to produce on larger quantities not the few who are already made off.

Therefore if the farmers’ day celebrations won’t benefit the poor peasant farmers then we don’t see the reason why a day should be set aside to award the few well-to-do ones.

Peasant farmers must also be motivated through a support scheme that will see them progress from their current situation of peasantry.

It’s more saddening to hear the 2016 national best farmer has not received his three bedroom house prize up till now; again it’s saddening to see our 2017 national best farmer awarded in another man’s currency.

Challenges confronting farmers in this country are enormous and it’ll take more than just a single day to solve them.

We congratulate and celebrate our farming parents who through their toils feed this nation. Long live Ghanaian farmers. Long live Akuafo? Mma

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