









Sekyi Hughes rejects ‘stolen’ items

Sekyi Hughes

Wed, 27 May 2009 Source: Isaac Essel for Daily Guide

The former Speaker of Parliament, Ebenezer Sekyi Hughes, says he is no longer interested in all the items he took away from his official residence on his retirement.

In a letter dated 25th May 2007 signed by Atta Akyea on behalf of his (Hughes’) solicitor – Zoe, Akyea & co – to the Parliamentary Service Board, it described as unfortunate the twist, including, criminal undertone being read into his action.

“Our client states categorically that he is no longer interested in the items he took from the Speaker's official residence, bona fide.”

The reason by the former third most powerful person in the country to return all the items was “for the sake of good governance, the integrity of the high office he previously occupied and in good conscience”.

He has therefore called on the Board to arrange for the collection of the items from his private residence in Accra, “at your earliest convenience, on agreed time schedule”.

Even though the letter felt short of mentioning names, it reiterated the reasons why he took away those furnishing and other amenities on 26th February 2009, in leaving his official residence.

“It is on record that some retiring and exiting leaders and officers of Parliament have in the past benefited from this practice.”

The letter further stated: “Unfortunately, this claim of right, has generated some furore. Our client attempted to clear the misinformation and to set the records straight.

“For some strange reasons, it appears that the misinformation has sunk rather very deep to the extent that the hard-earned reputation of our client is being tarnished.

“It is regrettable that well-placed and responsible men in authority are even imputing criminality to him.”

The letter concluded with a clarion call to the Parliamentary Service Board to resolve the “unfortunate matter” using “highest sense of professionalism”.

Meanwhile, Mr Asiedu Nketia, NDC General Secretary, told Joy News he still stands by his earlier conviction that the former speaker should be prosecuted.

He said the latest decision by Mr Sekyi Hughes rather “makes the matter muchmore interesting and makes my call more relevant”.

He questioned why Mr Hughes has decided to back out, if he claimed he was right to rip off virtually every property in his official residence while leaving office.

Mr. Nketia, a former Member of Parliament for Wenchi West, challenged the former speaker to go to court if he felt slandered.

Source: Isaac Essel for Daily Guide