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Selfishness, greed holding back Ghana's development – Awotwi Pratt

Titus Awotwi Pratt Former Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Ghana, Most Rev. Titus Kofi Awotwi Pratt

Tue, 17 Dec 2019 Source:

Former Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Ghana, Most Rev. Titus Kofi Awotwi Pratt, says deep-seated selfishness and greed among Ghanaians is hindering and curtailing the developmental efforts of the country.

Exhorting attendees of a Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, the Most Rev. Titus Kofi Awotwi Pratt, said the entire country needs to turn to Christ and ask of His mercies to renew our minds in order to put "love for the country" first in all we do.

"Our society is washed with selfishness and greed, a quagmire of hopelessness for our nation. Our advent should prepare us as we enter Christmas to allow Christ to lead us, to rule us, that our greed and avarice will take the back seat and our love for the nation will take the front seat. True patriotism is when we love our nation" Most Rev Awotwi Pratt said.

"God will raise men and women who will put together all the pieces and the dust and raise Ghana Beyond our weaknesses and make Ghana the nation we ought to become and I believe if we celebrate the Advent and Christmas the same way, we will see God's mighty hand working in our sons and daughters, loving God, loving Ghana and loving all and sundry despite our political divides" the former Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Ghana added.

Foreign Affairs Minister

In her welcome address before the nine lessons begun, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey noted that the Ministry under the executive charge of President Akufo-Addo has committed itself to actively support the agenda of maintaining a stable, united and safe country and building a prosperous nation.

"We will, therefore, continue to work to provide an effective external inter-face towards the achievement of the agenda of a Ghana Beyond Aid through Ghana’s diplomatic representation abroad, which comprises 53 diplomatic missions, 2 permanent missions to the United Nations and 11 consular posts" the Foreign Minister noted.

"Your support for the work of the Ministry and Ghana’s diplomacy is unalloyed, and we welcome the strong engagement you avail us for the implementation of Ghana’s foreign policy goals, including the execution of the country’s foreign economic objectives in support of national development. We commend your support for the proposals of the Ministry in areas such as the extension of Ghana’s diplomatic reach abroad through the opening of new missions and consular posts, improvements in some of the conditions of service of officers abroad, and the modernisation drive of the Ministry to become a globally competitive Foreign Service" Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey added.

The Citation

President Akufo-Addo who was the Special Guest of Honour at the service was presented with a citation which read as follows in its concluding part, "in recognition of your outstanding leadership of Ghana’s foreign policy community, and as the only second Minister of Foreign Affairs to become Head of State, the Foreign Service Officers of the Republic of Ghana confer on you the Foreign Service Special Recognition Award for 2019".

President Akufo-Addo

President Akufo-Addo in a brief remark registered his sincere thanks to the Ministry for the Honour done him. He further noted that it was the first time he was hearing that of all the 22 persons who have served thus far as Foreign Ministers of Ghana, Dr Kwame Nkrumah and himself are the only two among the 22 to have risen to become President of the Republic.

"The second thing to that I didn't know until today that Kwame Nkrumah and I are the only Foreign Ministers who have become Heads of State of Ghana. Well, that is something that is unusual and I did not know that" President Akufo-Addo indicated.

He assured the Staff of the Foreign Service that his administration will continue to give the Foreign Ministry all the support it needs.

"I know that more is expected of me in terms of my relations with the Foreign Ministry. God willing, if the four more for Nana comes, you will see that that will be the case" President Akufo-Addo said.

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