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Statement: Woyome furious over media report

Alfred Woyome Smile

Fri, 8 Feb 2013 Source: Office of Alfred Agbesi Woyome

We have read with abhorrence the publication carried in the Daily Guide issue of Thursday the 7th of February 2013 and wonder if this newspaper should be called A DAILY GUIDE OR DAILY MISGUIDE.

This newspaper stated “The first curious nominee would be Mrs. Marietta Brew Appiah, who is a senior partner in the Lithur Brew law firm based in Asylum Down…………… Tony Lithur’s law firm has been formidable legal consultants for embattled businessman and self acclaimed financier of the NDC, who is standing trial for allegedly defrauding the state of GHC 51.2 million in a phantom judgment debt”.

We state categorically that this assertion is false and an untruth.

This untruth is calculated at throwing more dust into the public eye as most Ghanaians are getting to know the truth about the criminal case in the courts.

The perpetrators of these untruths who are within and outside the NDC, the opposition, especially the erstwhile Kufour’s cabinet have been exposed.

They have come to realize their miscalculation, and afraid of the reprisal that will come from the public; are therefore hanging on their last straw for survival.

The fact of the matter is that Tony Lithur is on the other side of all cases that Mr. Woyome has taken to court against private individuals and institutions numbering about four different suits. He is also known to have interfered illegally in the matter of both the criminal and civil case in court between the Attorney General and Alfred Agbesi Woyome.

In fact, Mr. Woyome is the one who is supposed to complain about his partner who being appointed as Attorney General can be regarded as an issue of conflict of interest. As a matter of fact, Mr. Woyome will not stretch this matter of her appointment as she is a distinct individual from Mr. Lithur and also the fact that she is not the law and the Judiciary is truly independent in all its decisions all through its appellate structures. The matters before the Courts will be decided by pure law and are evidence driven.

As planned by those elements referred above, the prosecutor of the case is a wife to Yaw Barimah (A minister in the erstwhile Kufour regime) and we have never raised any objection since we are driven by our belief that the Courts and its Appellate system are truly free and independent under the Fourth Republic.

We have however taken note of the unprofessional and negative agenda setting nature of the DAILY GUIDE since the Kufour regime against Mr. Woyome when he, Mr. Woyome took them to court: A matter Mr. Woyome abandoned on a strategic basis.

We have also taken note of the daily reportage of this news paper since the beginning of this criminal case orchestrated against Mr. Woyome. The defamatory reportage spans over fifteen months now and we will respond appropriately at the appropriate time to every bit of it.

It is regrettable to see practicing Journalists who are supposed to inform, educate and entertain the public within the confines of law and within the right of the people, descend so low in doing the bid of their pay masters and as such succeed in deceiving sections of the public they are supposed to serve and earn their living.

Issued by Kwame Tawiah Office of Alfred Agbesi Woyome

Source: Office of Alfred Agbesi Woyome