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Stop putting your pictures on social media - Herbal Wizard advises

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Fri, 6 Dec 2019 Source:

Parents and youths have been warned not to post their photographs or that of their children online amid fears they could fall into the wrong hands.

Herbal wizard, Nana Yeboah Kumi in an interview on SVTV Africa told host DJ Nyaami how predators and other dangerous individuals could glean a wealth of sensitive information about them off one seemingly-innocent image.

He added that the sharing of pictures online could make them vulnerable to predators by revealing their location and put their lives in danger.

“Before you share your pictures on social media, you must consider the potential consequences of what you post. It’s a bad habit of sharing your pictures on social media. When you come to end, for instance, I have about 2,000 pictures mostly from social media. These sorts of images can be used to gather personal information such as location, a child’s full name, or even birth dates to paint a picture of who they are. So sharing your pictures on social media is very risky and the youth especially must think twice about what they share on social media before it is too late.”

The chief executive officer of Sonkyi herbal awareness center argues that predators can easily piece together information from a photo posted online.

He further pointed out that, the donation of used clothes to people or orphanages is bad and must be stopped immediately.

He explained that “No matter how well you wash your shirt, your spirit is still in it and so no matter how good or worn-out it looks; it’s not advisable to give it out to anyone since your spirit would still be in it and can be used against you.”

He also advised men to desist from licking their women in the name of having fun for the reason that, the act could dumb and kill their spirit completely.

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