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The Big Push to Defeat HIV & AIDS in Ghana

Sun, 26 May 2013 Source: Huffington Post

by John Dramani Mahama, President, Ghana

Posted: 05/23/2013 10:08 am

In late 2002, Ghana became the first country to sign a Global Fund grant. This unique moment of partnership marked a historical turning point for how we behaved as global partners coming together to fight AIDS, TB and malaria, which had devastated the lives of so many of my fellow Ghanaians for too long.

A sick population cannot generate the productivity needed to maintain the acceleration of our economy. Through the war chest as Kofi Annan called it, the international community chose to make an investment in Ghana. It is an investment that is paying off.

Ghana is among the 29 African Countries reported by the WHO to have been able to reduce prevalence of HIV and AIDS over the past decade. The national HIV prevalence has declined from a national high of 3.6 percent in 2003 to 1.5 percent in 2010 and has stabilized since. Prevalence among persons 15-24 years has equally reduced from 3.5 percent in 2003 to 1.5 percent.

While we can be proud of our response, we must recognize that the main challenge in the fight against HIV and AIDS globally is how to ensure Universal Access to prevention, treatment, care and support, and to ensuring zero transmission of new HIV infections in children.

To be able to achieve these laudable goals, especially for us in sub-Saharan Africa, there is the need for us to invest in improving our weak health systems. The inadequate number of health care facilities in many of our countries is a major issue of concern. The rural poor living in remote areas and the poor in our urban slums are the most vulnerable to HIV infections and they are also the ones without access to treatment and care.

The goal of Universal Access to prevention, treatment care and support and to ensuring zero transmission of HIV in children may appear to be a daunting task. But it is achievable. The driving force for realization of this goal is the mobilization of resources for implementation.

The Global Fund has set a goal to raise $15 billion for 2014-2016, which I appeal to international donors to meet, so we can reach our ambitious but achievable targets.

Recognizing the commitment to defeating HIV and AIDS as a shared responsibility, and in the face of stiff competition for scarce budgetary resources, we (Ghana) have committed $75 million to finance the implementation of our National Response.

During these difficult economic times, there is no doubt a discernible sense of donor fatigue among the partners. But we can't let our guard down. We can't slacken our effort at this time. We need a Big Push to defeat this pandemic.

As an international community we share this dream. Mankind has faced daunting health challenges in the past, but standing together we have managed to overcome. We eradicated small pox. We have made significant progress in the fight to eradicate Polio.

In Ghana, we have reduced incidence of malaria in some districts by as much as 70 percent by distributing bed nets and undertaking residual spraying. We can beat HIV and AIDS. But we can do this only if we continue to act together and prioritize HIV and AIDS as a major health threat to our global survival.



Comment by Eric Ehrmann, HUFFPOST BLOGGER Blogs on sport and politics from Brazil What were Ken Dadzie and the rest of the old Ghana Club crowd and Vishnu Wassiamal thinking three decades ago when Brazil developed its technical model to control AiIDS. It worked . And your crew should look at Brazil and use their infrastructure to achieve a modicum of success..

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment by GQueen You talk about a healthy popuplation generating productivity which accelerates an economy but you forget to say that Ghanaian Medical professionals were currently on strike because they weren't being paid well and this came about when it was made know that new Members of Parliament had each been given[free of charge] 13, 500,000 GHcedis or $6.700,000 as housing allowance to get accomodation. What kind of sensible goverment will do that...why not build a community of estates for Members of Parliament and have them pay rent and upon the expiration of their term, you get them to move out so new MPs can accomodate these residences.

Where are our priorities as educated leaders in governement...why not use the aid money for what is meant for, providing basic amenities for the development of the got a pay increase and you dont' have to pay taxes on it. How do you expect the average Ghanaian a civil servant to want to pay taxes on his/her meagre monthy pay of $75. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Credit/Source: Huffington Post,

Source: Huffington Post