









The abhorrence of congenital jujuism in Ghana

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Mon, 28 Aug 2017 Source: Rockson Adofo

It is a known fact, although detestable to God-fearing men and women of integrity that chieftaincy disputes in Ghana for whatever reasons are full of malicious resorts to, or applications of, juju, with intent to harm one party or the other. I find this behaviour of the Ghanaian uncouth if not utterly uncivilized and maliciously diabolical.

Why at all would one want to harm or kill their opponent when it comes to chieftaincy disputes? Is it because the person seeking spiritual help, of course from the devil through his agents who are mostly the fetish priests, fake pastors, river spirits and all sorts of evil means is actually the guilty party in the dispute but would want to dubiously emerge the winner? If this was not the reason, what else is their motive behind taking after juju (magical or supernatural power) to maim, harm or kill their opponents?

To be very specific, there have been revealed instances where the obviously known guilty parties in the ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy dispute have resorted to all forms of evil methods; casting evil spells through the burial of live or wounded or multiply-shot animals or needle-pricked dolls to cause the death of those fighting for the truth to prevail in the case. I have heard about confirmed reports of instances where the Kumawu-based guilty party used to mention a famous Kumawuman citizen’s name whenever they were slaughtering sheep for their Akwasidae, Awukudae, etc. festivals, as the person they were slitting his throat as they pulled the sharp knife through the throat of the animal to kill. This is very evil of them.

They would say, (name withheld), it is your throat that we are cutting as they drew the sharp knife or machete across the neck of the sheep to kill.

Again, Kumawuhemaa had confided in friends that she had done all she could and must do yet, she has not been able to achieve her objective of eliminating her arch-rival in the tortuously ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy dispute. She had travelled and continues to travel all over the world and across the entire Ghana to any powerful but evil source she hears of as being able to assist her attain her devilish goal but all to no avail.

Had they not resorted to arranging the physical elimination of their arch-rival, Barima Tweneboa Kodua V, but failed woefully by the grace of God? They collusively arranged probably through the Ashanti Regional Minister, Mr Simon Osei-Mensah, a supposedly personal friend of Dr Yaw Sarfo, the puppet and alleged Kumawuhene Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua and Mr Albert Kan Dapaa, the seemingly incompetent and less respected National Security Minister to dispatch police cum military personnel to Kumawu-Bodomase with intent to maim or kill innocent persons on Thursday, 16 February 2017. This was during the late Kumawu Akyempemhene Nana Okyere Krapa II’s funeral.

Watch this video:

Upon all their numerously failed attempts to achieve their objective of seeing Barima Tweneboa Kodua V and some of his principal supporters dead, these good-for-nothing nation and community wreckers are still relentlessly pursuing their ill-intents all for what they stand to personally selfishly obtain.

Many a discerning Kumawuman citizen wonders why God who is solidly behind Kumawuhene Barima Tweneboa Kodua V, a true matrilineal descendant from Kumawuhene Barima Tweneboa Kodua I, the originator of the Kumawu Kodua Stool, and his course, has not wiped out those nefariously scheming against him.

The answer is very simple; God according to the Holy Bible does not take any delight in the death of sinners but their repentance and reformation. This is the more reason why Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Kumawuhemaa Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah and their other accomplices, as evildoers, corrupt and greedy as they are are still alive. This has just explained why it appears that the wicked persons live longer than the good.

There is a time and season for everything. There is a limit to how far anyone can get away with doing evil even though God is an extremely patient Father. Very soon, Kumawuhemaa and her accomplices will hang themselves on the long rope thrown to them but which is getting shorter and shorter by the day forming a noose.

Is it not said when a long rope falls into an unwitty hand it does not take long for a noose to form for the person to hang him or herself? Are the wickedly collusive entities in the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute any different?

Lest I forget, is it true that Kumawuhemaa has started suffering from the repercussions of her wickedness by way of her only son in Toronto (Canada) becoming mentally deranged and drivelling? I am only enquiring!

Na waa oo!

Seek spiritual help to protect yourself if you want to but not to maim or kill your opponent(s). Anyone who resorts to spiritism to harm others is a GARGANTUAN FOOL and must be bound hand and feet and cast into hell where there is a perpetual suffering through sulphur-burning fire.

The fight to liberate Kumawuman from wicked greedy bastards goes on unabated and is getting intensified. The more the enemies plot the more they shall fail.

Finally, let the myopic politicians who desire to wade, or are wading, into, the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute to strengthen the hands of Kumawuhemaa and her accomplices note that we did not vote them into power to come to practice corruption or to bend the law to favour the wrongdoers. Any politician who tries to twist justice in the ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy case will not only have to face my angry castigations but also, suffer the wrath of God.

I only want to see justice based on available credible facts and evidence prevailed. Facts and credible evidence must be the only acceptable cardinal pivots on which the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute revolves. There should be no tactical delays as justice delayed is justice denied.

The dynamics of politics and justice in today’s Ghana are changing so nobody should underestimate the resolve of the citizenry to stand up for their rights and to defend the just course.

Finally, finally, in what may be correctly called “back to the sender”, any evil plotted against all those fighting to ensure that justice is done to the true paramount royals of Kumawuman and the entire discerning Kumawuman citizens must be the sole partakers of their own evilness and poisonous concoctions. Should I say they must be struck by the fatality of thunderstorm in retaliation to their purposive wrongdoing? Why not, even though I do not rejoice in the pain of fellow human beings.

Columnist: Rockson Adofo