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Totobi Denies Foreign Account Story

Sun, 14 May 2000 Source: Weekly Insight (Accra)

Accra - Mr. Totobi Quarkyi, Head of National Security has denied the allegation that he has a foreign account with a credit balance of $3 million.

The Ministers rejoinder is published below without comment; I have read with utter surprise and a sense of outrage your front-page story with the above caption. I am sure you are quite aware that your wild allegation has no basis whatsoever. It would appear therefore that your intent was to malign me and set me up for public rumour and ridicule for reasons I cannot fathom.

It is obvious that given our current economic difficulties such a wild allegation involving such incredulous amounts of money can have grave implications as some gullible members of the public might believe your story without any scrutiny whatsoever.

I have in the past ignored you attacks on me because I have held the view that despite some of the shortcomings of our press, we should be accommodating in the hope that the space so provided would allow for maturing. However, your latest round of allegations, insinuations and innuendoes go beyond the bounds of decency and responsible journalism. And it is unfortunate that you should choose the occasion of the International Press Freedom Day to carry out this dastardly act of defamation.

Perhaps, upon more sober reflection your own sense of fairness might persuade you to retract this unfounded allegation. In any case I am considering all options open to me to seek redress.

Yours faithfully,

Kofi Totobi

Source: Weekly Insight (Accra)