









Ursula Owusu Arrested

Ursula Owusu 04Oct2010

Tue, 2 Nov 2010 Source: peacefmonline

Vice President of the Federation of International Women Lawyers (FIDA-Int), a staunch NPP member, Ursula Owusu, has found herself on the wrong side of the law.

The legal practitioner was stopped by personnel of the Motor Traffic and Transport Unit (MTTU) of the Ghana Police Division at Amasaman, a suburb on the outskirts of Accra, for allegedly violating a road traffic regulation, over speeding.

She was on her way to Oda, in the Eastern Region.

Ursula, who confirmed the incident to PeaceFM News, narrated that the MTTU officials asked her driver to produce his Driving License and other particulars, but she replied that the documents were not readily available since "they are always kept at home because of how unsafe road travel has become."

She however, indicated her readiness to produce all the required documents within 24hours as stipulated under the Road Traffic Act, but the police stridently refused.

“…the constitution guarantees everyone 24 hours within which to provide particulars or documents that is being demanded by the police or face the wrath of the law…so I requested that they allow me to continue with my journey but will provide the documents within the 24 hour time frame but the police vehemently refused,” she said.

According to her, the police got angry and said “you (Ursula) are making my job difficult” so she was hauled to the Amasaman police station.

As at the time of filing this report, the gender advocate and her driver were still at the Police Station.

Source: peacefmonline