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Your 'myopic, reckless' reply to Akufo-Addo very 'insulting' - Former MP punches Bagbin

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Tue, 15 Mar 2022 Source:

Former Member of Parliament for Okaikwei North, Fuseini Issah has slammed the Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Alban Bagbin over his utterances in response to President Nana Addo's comment on the recent Supreme Court ruling.

Court Ruling

A seven member panel of the Supreme Court, on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 ruled that Deputy Speakers presiding over proceedings in Parliament can vote on issues and be counted as part of a quorum for decision-making.

The court said a "Deputy Speaker is entitled to be counted as a Member of Parliament for quorum" and can "vote and take part in the decision of Parliament".

President Akufo-Addo Opines

Following the court decision, the President of the Republic explained why it's legitimate for the Deputy Speakers to participate in voting during parliamentary proceedings.

He argued if they are ''denied the right to vote, [it will mean] it is tantamount to denying the right of the people you represent to have a say in the decision of the Assembly. That will not be right. So, I couldn't understand all this furore and controversy artificially generated''.

''We are being told that the decision of the court amounts to judicial interference in the work of Parliament. I'm not quite sure that the people who are saying have actually taken the time to read the constitution of our country. It says so in black and white.

''The legislative power of Parliament [that is vested] that is of the State which is vested in Parliament is subject to the provisions of the constitution. All organs of the Ghanaian State including me as the Head of Executive, we are all subject to the teachings of the constitution. There is nobody in the Ghanaian State that is above the fundamental law of the land'', he added.

The President further averred that any defiance to the court ruling will ''lead to the very matter that we have striven so long to avoid; the concentration [of power] of unregulated power in our State. We don't want that. We've had that experience before and we brought about this constitution in order not to allow that to reoccur'' and expressed shock over what he believes is over-concentration on this subject matter, saying ''I'm astonished about how much public energy has been wasted, I say so with the greatest of respect, been wasted in an area on an issue where there is so much clarity and I'm happy that the court''.

Speaker's Reply

The Speaker, issuing a statement on the ruling, described the President's comments as ''myopic''.

Excerpts of the statement read; ''Good morning comrades. I have resisted the temptation of making a comment on the judgment of the Supreme Court on the issue of the voting rights of Deputy Speakers when presiding. But the unfortunate and myopic comment of the President has compelled me to let it out. The SC decision, is to say the least, not only an absurdity but a reckless incursion into the remit of Parliament.

''The trend of unanimity is equally troubling. It doesn’t help explore and expand our legal jurisprudence. The President’s comment is myopic and unfortunate. It only goes to worsen the schism between the Executive and Parliament.''

Fuseini Punches Speaker

Critiquing the Speaker's reply during Peace FM's ''Kokrokoo'' Monday morning, Hon. Issah Fuseini considered the feedback as an insult to the President.

According to him, it is unparliamentary for Rt. Hon. Alban Bagbin to use such words which to him are harsh on the President.

He admonished Hon. Bagbin to refrain from exhibiting such character in the House.

''I think he didn't accord the President respect...When someone shares his opinion on an issue, you don't have to use words like reckless, absurd and myopic. For me, it's an insult''

'' a former Member of Parliament, when I look at the arrangements and incidents in Parliament, I am not proud of it and a lot of Ghanaians are not proud of it. And for the institution of Parliament and the role it plays in our national developmental agenda, we need to be very careful because Parliament is losing grounds'', he hollered.

He also emphasized that the Speaker, by his utterances and actions, is destroying the noble institution of Parliament, hence cautioned him saying ''the Speaker must tone down...He's destroying the institution called Parliament''.

Hon. Fuseini also advised the Speaker to leave a good legacy behind.

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