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Anti-LGBTQ+ bill: Supreme Court grants Richard Sky's request to file new motion

SC Anti Lgbtq Supreme Court sitting on the anti-LGBTQ+ case

Wed, 8 May 2024 Source:

Richard Sky's application challenging the legality of the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill (anti-LGBTQ+ biil), has been adjourned by the Supreme Court to May 17, 2024.

The adjournment, as directed by Chief Justice Gertrude Araba Esaaba Sackey Torkornoo, aims to allow the plaintiff's counsel to "file a fresh motion paper with supporting affidavit and statement of case."

Thaddeus Sory, counsel for the first defendant, proposed that the applicant amend paragraphs five and seven of the application to align with the reliefs sought.

Paragraph five of the applicant’s writ seeks to "restrain the Speaker of Parliament and the Clerk to Parliament from presenting The Human and Sexual Values Bill, 2024 to the President of the Republic for his assent."

Similarly, paragraph seven seeks "an injunction barring any attempts to enforce the provisions of The Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill 2024, particularly those criminalizing same-sex relationships and related advocacy efforts."

The Chief Justice accepted the suggestion of the first defendant's counsel, ordering the plaintiff applicant to file a new motion paper with supporting documents by May 17.

"By listening to all the counsels, the court agrees with the suggestion of counsel for the first defendant and orders the plaintiff applicant to file a fresh motion paper with supporting affidavit and statement of case. Plaintiff is also given leave to address any matters of fact and issues of law in the new process.

"Plaintiff applicant is given up to May 17, so now you have moved from May 9 to file the new process on May 17, 2024. Counsel for defendants are given seven days after service on them to file any processes that they may wish to."
