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Businesses asked to adopt ADR

Fri, 13 Sep 2013 Source: Daily Guide

Ato Van-Ess, Chairman of Sekondi-Takoradi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (STRCCI), has stressed the need for businesses and institutions to patronize the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) system to ensure effective and efficient conflict resolution.

He said ADR was a flexible and cost-effective mechanism in the resolution of conflicts and disputes in contemporary business world. “ADR helps to reduce disputes before the conventional courts and thus create a healthier business environment for businesses to thrive,” he noted.

Mr. Van-Ess stated this at a sensitization programme on ADR for some financial institutions in the Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis. The programme was to enable the participants to understand the role of the players in the mediation process, as well as provide them with sufficient knowledge to appreciate the need to promote ADR concepts.

He explained that ADR refers to any mechanism used by two or more parties in dispute other than going to court, adding, “ADR mechanisms are completely voluntary and must be agreed by both parties except in a few cases when it is ordered by court or any other body”.

He pointed out that ADR provides simple, fast, cost effective and flexible procedure, providing individuals and businesses with a framework to settle commercial disputes with the assistance of an independent neutral mediator.

Mr. Van-Ess mentioned that ADR was gaining popularity as the most affordable means of resolving disputes, particularly businesses, adding that about 6,722 out 9,952 cases referred from the courts for ADR between 2007 and 2010 had been resolved amicably.

He told the participants that across the world, settling business disputes through ADR had become one of the leading functions of Chamber of Commerce and Industry and mentioned some of the benefits of ADR.

He pointed out that financial resources used by businesses to litigate disputes could be used for more important investments.

“With ADR, companies resolve their problems without becoming enemies after resolution but rather partners in commerce and also money lost due to judicial corruption is avoided,” he stated.

Source: Daily Guide