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GHUL celebrates its 10 years of success

Fri, 26 Jun 2015 Source: Benard Thompson

Ghana Union of Luton (GHUL) celebrated its 10 years anniversary on Saturday night, the 20th of June 2015, at the Lewsey Community Centre Luton, in a swashbuckling fashion.

The Union which has grown steadily from about 10 to over 100 members currently has been the sole mouth piece of Ghanaians within the Luton community.

It continues to help and support its members in various forms, be it socially, educationally and most of all makes sure our rich and valuable Ghanaian culture is enshrined in the lifestyles of their youth.

Dignitaries in attendance included the Ghana High Commissioner to the UK, His Excellency Victor Emmanuel Smith, including Mr. George Blankson, Minister and Head of Welfare and Consular, The Mayor of Luton Councillor David Taylor and Mayoress Jane Stokes, Honourable Kelvin Hopkins MP, Luton North CLP and the first Ghanaian Councillor elected in Luton, our own Councillor David K. Agbley.

The event chaired by Mr Nathaniel Acquah, the founder and past Chairman of the Union, in his welcome address, thanked the Union Executives and members including all well-wishers for coming in their numbers to witness the 10th Anniversary celebration of the Ghana Union Luton.

He also touched on social bonding with the community and the advantages associated with being a member of Ghana Union.

The High Commissioner expressed his happiness to have been able to squeeze a little time out of an unusually heavy schedule at this time of the year to join the Union to celebrate the 10th anniversary as an association of Ghanaian in Luton and surrounding areas.

He reminded the members of the tragic event in Ghana on June 3rd and requested all to stand and observe a minute’s silence in memory of those who met their untimely deaths on that faithful day.

He also reminded the members in Diaspora to continue to support Ghana and our beloved ones at home, not only with the usual remittances, but also with messages of encouragement. He also talked about the challenges facing Ghana including the biggest canker of all which is hurting the country and economy-corruption.

He said Ghana Government has adopted an ambitious transformational agenda centred on economic diversification, social inclusion, job creation and macro-economic stability.

Also, how government intends to build an economy that rewards hard work and nurtures Ghanaian entrepreneurs and businesses whose prospects will not be tied to political cycles and or patronage.

He re-affirmed the Mission’s commitment to support the diaspora community to actively integrate into the home country with their expertise, know-how and skills, business contacts to enhance the developmental agenda.

He thanked all members for coming to support the Ghana Union Luton including the organisers for an event well organised.

Speeches were also delivered by the Union's current Chairman Mr Martin Hanson, Hon. Kelvin Hopkin MP and the Mayor Councillor David Taylor.

The Mayor reminded members to remember their roots and also, work together as one community in Luton and in harmony.

He also mentioned the work of Luton in Harmony in drawing our communities together and how Luton’s diversity has long been one of its greatest strengths.

After the speeches, the members and invited guests who have been itching in their dancing shoes all jumped onto the floor to celebrate the occasion with the DJ supporting with popular Ghanaian songs.

Source: Benard Thompson