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Jubilee partners for another commercial hit

Fri, 7 Oct 2011 Source: Business Analyst

Jubilee partners operating offshore Ghana are heading towards another success as their Enyenra-3A well, drilled to further appraise the Owo-1 discovery well, has yielded positive results, which raises higher the probability of the Enyenra field being declared a commerciality.

The discovery is within the Deepwater Tano Block, which has Tullow Oil as Operator, and a declaration of commerciality would mean the partners must move to the next stage of developing the field for production, a stage that requires heavy capital infusion.

A release by Tullow last Friday said after the completion of drilling operations, it will deploy pressure gauges in Enyenra-2A and Enyenra-3A, to determine reservoir connectivity prior to flow-testing the Enyenra field later this year.

The company said however, that it plans to drill the Enyenra-4A well later this year, which will lie about 6.8 kilometres south of Enyenra-2A and over 20 kilometres down-deep from the Enyenra 3A well, to further appraise the down-deep extent of the field.

It will likely drill the Enyenra-5A well to the north of Enyenra-3A to test the ultimate up-dip extent of the field.

Enyenra-3A was drilled by the “Deepwater Millennium” drillship to a total depth of 4,031 metres, in water depths of 1,102 metres, and testing showed the well intersected 17 metres of 35 degrees API oil in high quality sandstone reservoirs.

Pressure data, according to the operator, confirmed the continuous oil column of at least 365 metres and the oil at Enyenra-3A was in static pressure communication with both the Owo-1 discovery well and the Enyenra-2A appraisal well which lie 6.5 kilometres and 14 kilometres to the south respectively.

“This excellent result demonstrate that we are close to declaring the Enyenra and Tweneboa development commercial”, Tullow’s Exploration Director, Angus McCoss said, adding that ‘although the ultimate extent of the fields are yet to be fully determined, confirmation of this up-dip extension and long oil column in Enyenra is very encouraging’.

Commenting, Paul Dailly, Senior Vice President of exploration, Kosmos, said “Results of the Enyenra up-dip appraisal well are encouraging and provide addition confirmation of the field as a major oil discovery. This result furthers our project planning and demonstrates that we are close to declaring the Enyenra and Tweneboa development commercial”.

Another partner in the block, Anadarko was only last week out shopping for buyers for some of its Brazilian interest, with suggestions that it intends to re-invest the expected revenue in developing its African holdings as well as extinguishing liabilities arising from the Macondo disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

Tullow operates the Deepwater Tano licence and holds a 49.95% along with partners Kosmos Energy and Anadarko Petroleum each on 18%, Sabre Oil & Gas holding 4.05% and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) holding 10%. [email protected]

Source: Business Analyst