









Telcos Chamber working to aid successful E-Levy implementation

Ken Ashigbey Nice Ken Ashigbey is CEO of Telecoms Chamber

Thu, 14 Apr 2022 Source:

E-Levy to rake in GH¢4.9billion

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GRA directs anomalies to Finance Ministry

E-Levy to be implemented in May

Chief Executive of the Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications, Ken Ashigbey has reiterated the chamber’s efforts in ensuring that the appropriate systems are in place for the implementation of the electronic Transfer Levy in May as stated by the Ghana Revenue Authority.

According to him, even though the demands that come with the reconfiguration of the systems of Electronic Money Issuers (EMI’s) are tough, his outfit is working to ensure that the levy is successfully implemented.

He spoke to Citi Business News.

“We are committed to working with government to make this happen. Not only would we have to do things on our part in terms of configuring our systems and effecting whatever changes that need to be made. It is a tough ask, but as I’ve said, we would on our part work with government and do whatever is feasible and engineering possible to ensure that this project succeeds.”

He further assured of the preparedness of all stakeholders.

“We are in constant communication with the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and the [sector] Ministry. There are things we all need to do on our part. It’s for all of us to do what it takes to make this happen. I have to say that it’s really been very cordial and frank. We know that on the side of GRA, they are really putting in the work. We also are putting in the work from our side to ensure we are able to deliver the project as has been defined.”

The Ghana Revenue Authority however noted that the E-Levy will commence on May 1, 2022.

The Authority also stated that it has directed various issues found in the bill to the Finance Ministry to be addressed before the set date of implementation.

The E-Levy is however expected to rake in about GH¢4.9billion.

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