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Workers reject claims of low productivity in Ghana

Ghanaian Workers May Day

Fri, 2 May 2014 Source: xyz

Some Ghanaian workers who thronged the Black Stars Square in the capital Accra on Thursday for this year’s May Day celebrations have rejected claims that productivity is low in the public sector.

They claim many of them work very hard to sustain the economy and therefore must be given what is due them.

Their demands are simple; improved working conditions.

Many of these public sector workers were shocked when President Mahama announced at the May Day parade at the event that discussions at the tripartite committee have hit a deadlock.

President Mahama said “I was informed to my deed regret that we were unable to conclude negotiations on a new minimum wage and reach agreement on public sector base pay. The deadlock that we are currently experiencing is a reflection of how critical wage pressures have become in respect of turning around the deficit in our budget”.

Mr. Mahama further stated that “I have the utmost respect for the rights of our gallant workers to negotiate a living wage but as president, I have an obligation to the rest of our population to ensure that the economy of this country is protected. I have an obligation to ensure that there are enough resources left over to enable the other 24.4 million Ghanaians who are not public sector workers to have access to quality health care, education, clean drinking water and the numerous other commitments the state is obliged to provide”.

Some labour experts have demanded of Ghanaian workers to increase productivity. President Mahama himself on several occasions has made same appeals. But public sector workers disagree with these assertions that productivity has been low.

Mary Dartey, a worker in the educational sector told XYZ News “Working conditions must favour us, we work to our maximum points, always our results are very good, I don’t know why they can’t increase our salaries, because we are putting our best”

Another worker in Tema, Salifu Bansah said “Our pay is low, we are pleading for government, the increment of water bill and light bill is too high for we, why? we are working hard but our salary is not good”.

These workers however hope when negotiations resume on Friday, an increment in their base pay will be announced by the tripartite committee.

Source: xyz