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A Ghanaian False Prophet Arises in France

False Prophets

Sat, 6 Sep 2014 Source: Adofo, Rockson

A thirty-three year old Ghanaian has arisen in Paris (France) as a Man of God. He has a following of Christian worshippers, enticed solely by his prophetic messages and revelations to them. This young pastor/prophet has been in France for barely two or three years, having come from Ghana with intent to win lost Ghanaian souls unto God.

Before proceeding any further, I want my readers to be aware of what the Apostle Paul says about the Berean Jews at Acts 17:11 - “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (King James Bible). Quoting the exact words from the bible, I do not see any reason for replacing more noble by nobler as some may expect of me.

This young pastor/prophet lives in Val d’Argenteuil, a suburb of Paris. For the few years that he has been in Paris, he has caused more havoc than good to families. By his clearly false prophesies, daughters have turned against their mothers; husbands have abandoned their wives and children.

He has been telling them their wives are witches and are planning to kill them. Their parents are witches and are not letting them have successful marriages and all sorts of complete nonsense that only fools will swallow wholeheartedly.

I wonder why in this day and age Ghanaians still render themselves so vulnerable to be exploited to the hilt by these crooks cloaked in pastoral apparel.

Any pastor or prophet who preaches the message of doom, instilling fear into his congregants, to be able to exploit them financially, or in any form whatsoever, is not worthy of his calling. He is a fake and must be treated with all contempt his actions deserve.

The so-called Man of God under discussion has since his arrival in France been living with a young girl with whom he has caused an abortion, a reliable information from the girl’s own mother. The girl is living with the pastor as husband and wife even though he has not performed any necessary marriage rites, either conventional or otherwise. Is that how a Man of God behaves?

I believe it is irresponsible on the part of those husbands that have for absurd reasons, abandoned their homes subsequent upon the most foolish prophetic revelations over their lives by a con Man of God. I pray those husbands return to their wives and children but not to continue to dwell in their current ignorance, thereby becoming stooges to a false pastor/prophet. They will surely live to regret their actions should the lives of their families be ruined because of their succumbing to messages of false prophesies from this “supposedly” Man of God.

The name of the pastor, his church, his contact details and all those he has bewitched will be revealed in my future publication if I do not see positive changes in him. He cannot continue to prey on the vulnerability, ignorance and fear of failure in life of some fellow Ghanaians to enrich himself. This is a fired warning shot across to him. He had better listen before he gets himself involved in a murky fight. He has to bear in mind the truth shall always prevail over lies.

Finally, all Ghanaians should ponder over what Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia once said. He said, "Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph." It is for this reason that I am stepping in to correct the injustices being inflicted on innocent Ghanaians by a dubious Man of God.

Rockson Adofo

Source: Adofo, Rockson