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Akufo-Addo worships with Ghanaian Muslims in London

Akufo Addo UK Muslims

Sun, 29 Dec 2013 Source:

Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo on Friday 27th December 2013 joined Ghanaian Muslims in London for prayers in North London. Nana Addo prayed with the Muslims at the Seven Sisters Masjid (Mosque) at West Green Road, Tottenham, London.

The visit was at the invitation of the Imam and elders of the Ghana Muslim community. Led by the Nasara Team of NPP UK, co-ordinated by Mallam Arafat Sulemana Abdulai, Issah Ayumah and Fauzan Shamsudeen, Nana Addo was introduced to the Muslim leaders. He was warmly welcomed by Alhaji Massawudu (waziri of London who represented the chief of zongo- London). He received a special prayer from Imam Alhaji Nuhu Nuamah, followed by another prayers from Mallam Ibrahim Mizam (Deputy Chief Imam of zongo chief-London) and Alhaji Massawudu who had earlier welcomed Nana.

Following the Supreme Court verdict, the leadership of the NPP decided to organise religious activities to offer gratitude to Allah through both Islamic and Christian faiths. It was in line with this objective that the Ghana Muslim Community in London deemed it a religious obligation to offer a platform for the advancement and promotion of this peace seeking endeavour.

The programme of activities commenced with special Islamic prayers during the Jumu’ah (Friday congregational) prayers. After the service and prayers, The Ghanaian Muslims Association of London led by Alhaji Baban Yaara Haidara (Sarkin faada of London) organised a short but impressive reception for Nana Akufo-Addo and his entourage at the Masjid conference room, where he interacted with members of the Muslim community.

In an address to the huge crowd cutting across various political and religious divides (community), Nana expressed his gratitude for the invitation, the special prayers and the warm welcome that he has been accorded by the community.

He expressed his gratitude for the fact that in Ghana, we have a tolerant society where freedom of worship is recognised and enjoyed in peace and harmony. He expressed his joy for (by) being able to worship with Muslims and brought them the greetings from Christians as they celebrate Christmas. He also said it was befitting to worship with the Muslims during this season and also the fact that it was the last Friday of the calendar year 2013.

He advised that in spite of any political, tribal and religious differences, we all must recognise the commonality of our origin as Ghanaians and must do everything to ensure that there is one Ghana. "What matters is the welfare of Ghana, its unity, its ('s) peace and oneness" he said.

He cited Ghana as one of the countries (in) most respected because of freedom of worship and the democracy we have chosen to govern ourselves. He advised members of the Muslim community to continue to live in unity and work together for the welfare of our country.

He took the opportunity to bid farewell to UK as he stated that his time was drawing near to return to Ghana in January 2014 to resume his responsibilities. He took the opportunity to thank all Ghanaians in UK for their spirit of generosity and kindness they have shown him for the last three months he came to stay. He admonished them to continue to work hard and never forget our motherland. "Let's all hold on to Ghana as a precious golden egg which we don't want to fall down and break," he advised. He ended his address with these words "Our country has enormous potential and if we get it altogether and in the right direction that matters we can build a fantastic country."

In a response to a question as to how a future NPP administration can help in poverty alleviation, he stated that a future NPP administration aims to transform the economy from relying of exportation of raw materials to industrialisation.

The processing of our raw timber, gold, cocoa and now crude oil can create an employment base for the people to take them out of the poverty cycle.

He said Ghanaians must not live on hand-outs but must be empowered through employment in an industrialised economy. He however said as a caution that this empowerment cannot be possible if we do not give people skills and quality to take on these jobs and this can only be achieved through education.

He used the opportunity to stress his contained belief in the Free SHS policy he campaigned on in the 2012 election. He believed that is the getaway card from the poverty that Ghanaians are experiencing at the moment.

Nana Akufo -Addo was accompanied by Hon Kwame Osei Prempeh, former MP for Nsuta-Kwaman and former Deputy Attorney General in President Kufuor's administration, Hayford Atta-Krufi, Chairman NPP UK, Kwabena Afum Dankwah, First Vice Chairman NPP UK, (and) Mr. Richard Dombo Diedong, Research (a) Officer NPP UK, Mr. Saeed Duah, Organiser NPP UK, Arafat Sulemana Abdulai, Nasara Coordinator NPP UK and the entire Nasara NPP UK Team.

The Muslim elders present included Alhaji Massawudu (waziri of London who represented the chief of Zongo- London), Alhaji Husseini Gali (Advisor, Chief of Zongo-London), Alhaji Ridwanu, Alhaji Baraw (Advisor, Chief of zongo) Alhaji Kamil Mende (chairman of the centre). The vote of thanks was delivered by Alhaji Ahmed Awuah and parts of the proceedings were translated by Issah BB.

At the end of the interaction, a special gift of Quran and literature was donated to Nana Akufo-Addo by Mallam Abdul Samad. Nana in turn made a cash donation of £100 to the Mosque as his Zakat for the occasion.

Arafat Sulemana Abdulai, Nasara Coordinator NPP UK

Issah Ayumah

Fauzan Shamsudeen

Nasara NPP UK Team).
