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Atlanta. Africans In Georgia Celebrate Africa Day In Atlanta

Wed, 1 Jun 2011 Source: prince osei bonsu, georgia - atlanta..

The Vice President of the African Amrican Association of Georgia -USA Ms. Evelyn A . Davis has disclosed that Africans, are a people who are strong and beautiful, yet in this modern age we are still misunderstood and marginalized by the countries and governments of the first world.

Speaking at the well attented African day event in Meskerem Ethiopian Restaurant 2781 Clairmont Road NE Atlanta, Gorgia , Ms Evelyn Davis noted that " I call on all Africans in the United States and in the diaspora to come together to dispel the myths and move our continent forward as its our destiny."

The President of Ghana Women Association of Georgia Ms Evelyn Davis noted "you notice I used the word continent. Unfortunately, many of our sisters and brothers do not know that Africa is a continent, we must educate them."

The Vice President of AAGA -USA noted that the the former powers that be, have built a wedge between all Africans that needs to be destroyed. The only way that we may become an economically viable continent is to build systems and infrastructures that make us self-sufficient.

In an exclusively interview with this freelance Journalist last weekend in Atlanta -Georgia at a colorful ceremony, Ms Evelyn Davis noted that "We must also use our resources wisely and place in our midst sustainable systems when utilizing our resources, unlike western countries who are prone to misuse and fall victim to shortages."

"Ms. Evelyn Davis who is the keynote speaker of the event of the African Day noted that 'It is my duty as well as privilege to come to you on behalf of not only the African people, but for the just cause of unity among our separate nations."

In other words, we must take the best lessons of the first world systems, and adapt them in the best possible way for our respective futures.

Touching on the formation of the Africa Day is the annual commemoration on May 25 of the 1963 founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU).

On this day, leaders of 30 of the 32 independent African states signed a founding charter in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In 1991, OAU established the African Economic Community (AEC), and in 2002, the African Union (AU or UA) was founded as the successor to OAU.

However,the name and date of Africa Day has been retained as a celebration of African Unity.

May 25th marks the day when African leaders set the groundwork for the Unity of Africa. On this day Africans on the continent and in the Diaspora commemorate the anniversary of this dream.

"Africa must provide means to stop the brain drain to the west, and stop the wars, killings and genocides of our people, especially our women and children' Ms Davis noted

She said the crisis in several parts of Africa such as the Ivory Coast and Lybia must be decried and stopped . We are leaving our countries and culture unguarded.

This is dangerous!

"We must maintain control of that which is ours. We have the resources, the knowledge and now we must find the determination to build a great continent."

"We are responsible for the future of our countries and cultures. But in order to preserve this we must join together to begin the process today".

"The keynote speaker said her roots are in Ghana, the Gold Coast, also known as the Gateway to Africa. Ghana has a colorful and glorious past, but we cannot continue to live in the past. Rather, let us come together to build an even more glorious future for all of Africa."

"As a woman of Ghana, I challenge all African Women and Men to come with me in the creation of a new African initiative."the President of Ghana Women Association of Georgia said.

The President of Ghana Women Association of Georgia said "we must reach out to one another in realistic dialogue to make concrete plans to further the advancement of our countries both here in North America and abroad. Not only should we sit to plan, but we must plan to execute."

Ms.Evelyn Davis disclosed that we, have many organizations under the umbrella of African American Georgia Association -USA Now is the time to exercise the power of the AAGA- USA and bring awareness to the whole African Community about our vision, mission and actions.

"We must include our sisters and brothers in the Diaspora. As the saying goes, an open hand is merely a slap, but a closed hand creates a fist. To create our force we need as many strong people as possible. "

"We need the wisdom of the elders, the skills of our professionals, the vision of our artists, the expertise of our crafts persons, and the courage of our youth. We have to realize that they are all important to our society, Our African family" the Vice President of the African Association of Georgia said

Ms.Evelyn Davis noted Ghana is now being courted by the west. Barack Obama came to us. The oil companies want to work with us. From the Black Stars to our entertainers, Ghana is coming forth as a new and viable nation.

This time we must choose wisely the direction that we are about to embark upon. And most importantly we must go on this journey together and solicit the knowledge from our brothers and sisters from the other African Countries, the keynote speaker noted.

She further noted that "as a woman I feel the need to express myself through caring, nurturing and development of our culture, In Africa , women are known as the keepers of the culture"

The VP of AAGA -USA humbly appealed to her sisters and brothers to assist her by returning to the best of our traditional ways, while incorporating the best of modern technology. Our courage and determination is historical.

The President of Ghana Women Association of Georgia emphasized that the African revolutionary struggle is a fight for land and a fight to reclaim and develop our culture. Africa is the source of our strength and the key to our liberation.

As the 1St President of Ghana Dr.Kwame Nkrumah, said ,Pan-Africanism is the solution to the problems of people of African decent"

"The keynote speaker said ,"the struggle of African people must be internationally coordinated with liberated areas in Africa along with Pan-African organizations being the basis of this international struggle. Imperialism is an international force and we can only defeat it with an international strategy."

Ms Evelyn Davis explains that any organization of Africans outside of Africa that does not have organizational and strategic links to the struggle on the African continent as well as the struggles of our peoples in the Diaspora is doomed to failure.

The VP of AAGA- USA noted that our struggle in America must be organizational and ideologically connected to the struggle in Africa and the world wide African struggle.

" We must understand that our diversity is an element that is compatible with unity and strength. Africans organized internationally would be a formidable force that can bring about change." she noted.

Ms Evelyn Davis urged the participants that "we must not forget our youth,oftentimes we do not listen to them and we should to relegate them to the back seat to only view and not participate in their own liberation."

This mindset must be changed. For us to have competent leadership, we must have competent training. Mentoring is the key, the keyonte speaker Ms Evelyn Davis said.

The President of Ghana Women Association of Georgia said it is our responsibility to mentor our youth while providing opportunities for participation. I want to insist that we each mentor a young person, whether it is our own blood, group or country. Mentor a young African,since without them there is no future.

She quizzed that all the people of African decent, whether they live in North or South America, the Caribbean , or any other part of the world are African and belong to the African Nation .

"Africa is rising once again. Let us join together as one. Let’s plan to meet again soon and remember that: EVERY DAY IS AFRICA DAY" The VP of the African American Association of Georgia noted..

Source: prince osei bonsu, georgia - atlanta..