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CPP chapters in Diaspora

Fri, 26 Dec 2008 Source: CPP chapters in Diaspora


Our (CPP chapters in Diaspora) attention has been drawn to an article purporting that one Alhaji Mohammed Abass Mensah, claiming to represent the views of CPP Diaspora, has declared the CPP Diaspora’s support for the NPP Presidential candidate Mr. Akuffo-Addo.

CPP Diaspora wishes to emphatically state that Alhaji Mohammed Abass Mensah does NOT speak for CPP Diaspora. With this Press Release, we disassociate the CPP Diaspora from the statements alleged by Alhaji Mohammed Abass Mensah to represent the CPP in the Diaspora. Alhaji Mohammed Abass Mensah speaks for himself only. He has every right to speak for himself, but he does not have the right to speak on behalf of anyone else when he has not been delegated to represent anyone or any group for that matter.

We stand by the decision taken by the Party Headquarters to remain neutral. There is only one CPP and no amount of diatribes can dilute what we stand for.

Of particular importance, the CPP Diaspora believes that change did not come to Ghana on December 7th and that the run-off on December 28th is not going to bring change either. It is the same failed parties taking turns to further exacerbate living conditions of millions of people in the country. P/NDC now led by Prof. Atta Mills and NPP now led by Mr. Akuffo-Addo have been the planners, executers and administrators of destruction of Ghana’s industrial base, senseless sale of our national heritage and resources, mass unemployment, poverty, externally funded budgets, intimidation, derelict educational system and health services, drugs dominated political economy, environmental degradation and many irresponsible socio-economic policies whilst the NPP and P/NDC elites enrich themselves.

Public service should be conducted with probity. Politicians should be preoccupied with improving the quality of life of the people they serve with tested, prudent socio-economic policies. Ghanaians have been denied improvement in their lives for the past 28 years of Structural Adjustment Programs and HIPC programs.

We will like to remind fellow Ghanaians that they must NOT get confused about CPP, NPP and the P/NDC who have three clearly distinct ideologies.

1/ CPP was constitutionally founded by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and we believe in Nkrumaism (the ideals & ideas of Nationalism and pride in the African Personality and Pan-Africanism, the dignity of one to have a secure job, fair and equitable distribution of national income).

2/ UP/PP/PFP/NPP constitutionally was founded by Dr.Danquah/Dr.Busia/Dombo towing Darwin’s “Survival of the fittest” ideology & property owning democracy and the dubious euphemism for conservatism – the so-called “indigenous capitalism.”

3/ P/NDC; that was the creation of Flight Lieutenant Rawlings, and it has been based on the belief in Rawlings’ ideas (only God knows the kind of ideas he has).

It is rather unfortunate that Ghanaians have to continue to endure the recycling of these two irresponsible political parties. We hope the electorate will in future vote for change that they can feel in their lives on every day basis. We feel your frustrations as you continue to make sacrifices and difficult economic choices, until the real change comes. Ghana has suffered long enough. Change will certainly come.

We wish all Ghanaian a Merry Christmas.

Kweku Manful

CPP NA [email protected]

For and on behalf of CPP North America, CPP UK & Eire, CPP Scandinavia, CPP Germany.

Source: CPP chapters in Diaspora