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Chicago GNC President's New Year Message

Fri, 2 Jan 2015 Source: Ebenezar Antwi-Ansiah (President)

Fellow Ghanaians, I thank God for his grace and mercy and for ushering us into the New Year, 2015. As we list our New Year resolutions, most of which we would probably break during the first week of the New Year, let us reflect on our lives in 2014; the joy, the pain, the births, the deaths, the grief, new jobs, the retirements, the marriages, the divorces, just to mention a few. In all these we made it to the end of the year safely by His grace. Those who could not make it will always be in our hearts.

I extend my utmost thanks to members of the Ghana National Council and its affiliates and members of the Ghanaian community who helped the Council in diverse ways, especially those who helped the council's 2014 agenda and offered us valuable advice. I know we could have done more and we will do more in the year ahead with your continued support and assistance.

2014 had some challenges for the Ghana National Council of Metropolitan Chicago and the whole of the Chicago Community. For the first time in several years there was no official Independence Anniversary Dinner/Dance. Transitioning from one administration to the next was a disaster. The new administration took over from the old administration with nothing in the Council's coffers. Throughout all this, the community stood behind the GNC and gave the needed support and although most of the new administration's agenda and programs like back-to-school for our kids did not materialize, Ghanafest 2014 was one of the most successful events yet held by the Council.

As we go into 2015, let's come together as a community and unite to give ourselves and our community the needed boost to make the Ghanaian Community stronger and more united regardless of our organization or affiliation. Let's remember first and foremost that we are Ghanaians. In 2015 I am challenging the Ghanaian religious groups and affiliations in the Chicago metropolitan area and Ghanaian businesses to increase their participation and support to the Council. I urge these organizations to encourage their members to support activities of the Ghana National Council of Metropolitan Chicago (GNC). Let us remember that we are all part of a community whose members have traveled far from our native land Ghana to reside here. If we stand together , there is nothing we cannot achieve.

May God grant us the tools to empower our community, May God bless the Ghanaian Community in the Diaspora. I wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Long Live GNC,

Long Live Ghanaian Community of Chicago ,

Long live Ghana.

Ebenezar Antwi-Ansiah (President)

Source: Ebenezar Antwi-Ansiah (President)