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Concerned Ghanaian Students In UK response to JJ

Tue, 21 Nov 2006 Source: --


Invited guests, members of the media, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, we have a great privilege of addressing such a remarkable group of people like you and the general public on some recent issues or events that have not only given rise to much controversy in the Ghanaian contemporary politics, but also have the potential to tarnish the good image of our dear country, Ghana. Typically, some issues raised by our former president Mr. Jerry John Rawlings whiles addressing students at the south bank University here in London on Tuesday 24th of October, 2006 in which he attacked the integrity of the Ghana government, judiciary, leaders of some western countries, international media and other statements we consider as highly tribal.

Our Ex-president raised a lot of issues, but it is deemed more appropriate to touch on the salient ones which can potentially mar the reputation that Ghana has acquired in recent years in terms of her socio-economic development. It is not in our best interest to attack or condemn our Ex- president, but to exhibit our intellectual responsibilities by addressing issues of national importance without any prejudice.

Ladies and gentlemen, one important point that calls for critical analysis is the good working relationship between Ghana government and other developed countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom which was raised during his address. We believe strongly that, the relationship has not emerged as a result of the name NPP or Kufuor’s government, but the good socio-economic policies and the achievement of the Ghana government. A typical example is the MCA that Ghana benefited from. It was not by chance that Ghana was selected, as there were conditions that needed to be met before a country could benefit from the MCA. Internationally recognised bodies such as the International Financial Corporation has rated Ghana as 9th in the world and 1st in Africa followed by Tanzania in assessing the countries that have reformed most in recent years. The HIPIC completion and the debt cancellation can not be left out as factual pieces of evidence for the excellent performance of this government. Example, Ghana is now free from crushing external debt following 100% cancellation of various bi-lateral and multi-lateral debts of around $7 billion for the past two years. Ghana has now qualified to access $ 547 million from the USA under the Millennium Challenge Account, not to talk of benefits from the HIPC initiative and others. Conditions and criteria set by all these bodies centred on either all or some of the following factors; good governance, nations that are making the effort to root out corruption, respect for human rights, adhere to the rule of law, sustainable budget policies and good national trade policies

Currently, there are positive economic indicators back home, such as drastic decline in inflation, lowered lending rates and stability in the local currency. It is clear Ghana is on the right path. This reminds me of the findings of a study posted on the web in the middle of this year which placed Ghana as the 10th happiest country in the world ahead of the USA and UK. Whatever this means we as a nation must be proud of it.

. The government of Ghana has excellently passed the litmus test set by all these highly recognised bodies both within Africa and outside the continent on all these conditions. Ghana government was the first in Africa to open its door to the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). For an African leader to exhibit this unprecedented leadership style shows a sure sign of transparency and accountability. The NEPAD framework is another, and all these are very critical to entrenching democracy, freedom, good governance and peace. We believe that it takes a good government to commit to these high principles of transparency and strongly urge the government to do more in this area.

The fast rate at which aggressive investments like the banks, insurance companies and the construction companies are growing in Ghana indicates that, the economy of Ghana is growing relatively fast, in spite of the fact that the entire global economy is in recess. If a nation like the United Kingdom is encountering the challenge of experiencing the highest insolvency rate in this year for the past few years and the cost of mortgages is on the rise, besides, a lot of employees, including health workers, are losing their jobs and ‘home’ university students’ fees has been increased from over £1000 to £3000, then, ladies and gentlemen, it is an implication that Ghana as a developing country is making a remarkable economic achievement.

However, it does not mean all is well with Ghana or this present Ghana government is without blemish or the past governments never did anything good in their time. As the saying goes, ‘Rome was not built a day’ which implies to develop a nation is not an event, but a process. If the development of Ghana is allowed to continue the trend it has taken, the future of the nation would be very successful.

Respect for human rights in Ghana today is unprecedented in the political history of Ghana. Concerned groups, both political and non-political, can express their views without any fear and intimidation.

On judicial corruption, we concede the occurrence of instances that suggest so, but we are also aware that on its own initiative, the judiciary is weeding out bad elements to enhance its image. Budgetary allocation and conditions of service are also being improved to underpin its independence, coupled with the provision of the fast track high court, commercial courts and an appreciable infrastructural undertaking to ease overloading and expedite the judicial processes.

There is no doubt about the fact that there is still a high perception of corruption in Ghana. The present government has set up anti corruption bodies or passed bills such as the Probity and the Accountability, Procurement Act Bill and the Whistle Blowers Bill. However, we are admonishing the government to make them more functional as the perceived corruption is still a challenge to the government.

Ethnicity and Tribalism that are being extremely used as conspiracy tools in the contemporary politics of Ghana is being done at our own peril. Liberia and Ivory Cost are typical examples of countries that have suffered civil wars as a result of tribal politics. We urge all Ghanaians irrespective of where you were borne to refrain from any ethnocentric behaviour that can undermine the stability, unity and the peace of this peace-loving country. We admonish the religious bodies in Ghana to intensify their prayers and campaign against such behaviours at all levels in the Ghanaian society. We are all one people and one nation. A name does not necessarily provide tribal identification of somebody. This primitive and devilish behaviour must be kicked against irrespective of where, how and who is exhibiting it.

It is regrettable that HE Kofi Anan has been drawn into the local politics of Ghana. Considering his position as the Senior Civil Servant of the world, we expect that, he is accorded that respect and be rather encouraged to bring his rich experience to bear on Ghana. We use this opportunity to congratulate him for successfully running his term and wish him a successful handing over.

We urge the good people of Ghana, both home and abroad, especially the youth to be very circumspect in judging issues and taking decisions. We should all go all out to give precedence to the nation when issues of national concern are being dealt with. It will be more prudent to tackle national and political issues devoid of any prejudice. Let honesty drive our sense of judgement. It is time we all got involved in national issues and defend the truth rather than making decisions out of lies and deceptions. We are holding the steer of the future of this nation. The amount of effort we put in and the direction to which we drive it today will determine the future of Ghana.

Critical observation of the life of men in general has revealed that, every man desires to have his own way and acts as he likes. However, everyone can not have his own way as he lives in a society. One’s desire will inevitably conflict with that of another. There is therefore the need for every leader to be tolerant and exhibits a leadership style that will ensure that relations of the members of the society are rather optimised and not marred. As part of democratic process, elections are held and naturally, some lose others win. However, it is important that after all these, a period of peace ensues and the nation’s energies are concentrated on building the happy and prosperous nation that we all desire. We want to believe that Mr. Rawlings can join hands in overcoming the challenges that confronts Ghana as a nation rather than make them an international political propaganda tool.

We are advising our ex-president to refrain from being over passionate and raising issues that will undermine the peace and stability Ghanaians are enjoying. It is expected of him to raise issues that will unite Ghanaians and preserve the good image of Ghana. It will do Ghana good if the use of ‘uprising’ in your statements could be well managed in the right and peaceful context that will not stir up public reaction. We have come too far to return.

To the sitting president, we plead with you to be more tolerant and eschew any choice of retaliatory words or action that will hamper the peace and the tranquillity the nation is already experiencing. It is also realised that the government has not been able to translate its great achievement in the form of a strategic information package that Ghanaians can understand and appreciate. It would be more appropriate if the government could embark on intensive educational programmes so the people can be well informed to avoid making any arbitrary decisions. We are also urging the government to please step up its management and leadership style in ensuring the strategic configuration of the key state resources and core competences so that conducive and economically viable environment can be set up to encourage the youth abroad with diverse expertise to come home and contribute their quota.

Invited guests, members of the media, colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen, no government will govern Ghana or has the presidential seat in perpetuity. It has to be acknowledged that Ghana is more important and greater than any particular government or leader. After all, leaders, past and present, came to meet Ghana and will leave Ghana behind.

We, the concerned students in the UK would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone here for making this conference a success.

Long live Ghana and long live democracy.

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