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Fall Prayerfest At Compassion Community Church

Fri, 10 Nov 2006 Source: dr. nicholas opuni

ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY -- Throughout the Bible, there are several Festivals or Feasts that the people of God used to celebrate. The Passover Festival was held in the month of April (Abib). Pentecost was celebrated in June( Sivan). The Trumpets and the Tabernacles were celebrated in October (Tishri). The festival of Dedication was held in December (Kislev). Purim was celebrated in March. These were days of commemoration and celebration of God. They were days of deeper spiritual emphasis and fellowship with God and with one another. 'Make hay while the sun shines' goes the adage. The Black Smith hits hard to shape his tools while the metal is hot. The gathering together of God's people to such spiritual emphasis is so crucial to our Well-being and Wholesomeness in the Lord. Deep rooted spiritual, mental, emotional and physical problems are dealt with to its roots instead of sugar coating them.
Another three weeks of PRAYER FESTIVAL has just been completed at the Compassion Community Church, Elizabeth, New Jersey.
The Theme was: 'PRAY WITHOUT CEASING' I Thess.5:17 - Paul continues in verse 23 of I Thessalonians: 'May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole SPIRIT, SOUL, and Body be kept blamless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.'God does His work stages by stages. It is true in the creation in Genesis 1. Like the DRY BONES in Ezekiel, the Prophet of God was asked to prophesy stages by stages to the DRY BONES until the end of the day , the DRY BONES became like a MIGHTY ARMY.
In the Summer Festival, Broken Hearts were healed. Deep hurts were exposed and dealt with. The FALL FESTIVAL was like the AWAKENING OF THE MIND or THE SOUL. Throughout the three weeks, the Man OF GOD, Prophet Prince Frimpong spoke on the Topic: 'THE WINNING MENTALITY.' From the Bible stories: THE TWELVE SPIES in Numbers 13; DAVID AND GOLIATH in I Sam. 17; CONQUERING AND REBUILDING JERICHO in Josh. 6; THE TEN VIRGINS in Matt. 25; the Man Of God CHALLENGED the awakening of the Mind. He made powerful statements like:
-You are what you think and you think what you are.
-Failures dwell on all that will go wrong instead of all that could go right.
-Failures focus on WHAT they are going through; Winners focus on WHERE they are going.
-Giants are not necessary strong.
-10 were grassHOPPERS; 2 were grape CHOPPERS.
-The worldly is able and quick to produce their champions.
-Don't miss the first stone when fighting with Goliath – The Power of the FIRST STONE.
-The will of God will not send you to a place His Grace cannot sustain you.
-You can set a prisoner free, yet not free.
-Every place that has entrance has Exit, Everything that has a Beginning has an End too.
-Enemies are opportunities to excel; Face challenges and develop your skills
-There are 3 MINDS: The SMALL MIND- Talk about people; The AVERAGE MIND - Talk about Events; The GREAT MIND- Talk about Ideas.
-You are remembered by 2 things: Either by Problems you solved or by Problems you created.
-The difference between the NOBODY and SOMEBODY is the enemy you overcome.
-It is not how long you live , but how full.
-You can stop your watch, but you can't stop Time.
-To be a Winner you need to be Wise not a Fool
-Have an Extra Faith, Love, Hope, Favor, Strength and Anointing of God.
Demons that have controlled the Spirit and Mind of people exposed themselves, submitted, yelled and left their grip on many. Hideous satanic plans against people were exposed and rendered powerless by the Precious Blood of Jesus. People of God watched with awe as demons themselves exposed their wicked schemes. The Faithful who attended all the meetings learned so much through the WORD preached, Prophecies and the Prayer Ministrations.
The FLAG OF GHANA was lifted high and prayer was offered for the nation and especially Ghanaians in the Diaspora. God is going to revisit them and deliver them from all their hardships.
Through the Word of Prophecy, next year is declared the YEAR OF REST AND PERFECTION. Watch out for our next WINTER FESTIVAL from the beginning of January 2007.
In the meantime, every Friday is an ALL NIGHT from 10pm to 3.30 am. TUESDAYS- DELIVERANCE and MIRACLE service from 10.30am to 3.30pm. WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS are counseling and Prayers from 11.30am to 3pm. Many men of God will be ministering to us.
The MAIN Speaker for this programme was Prophet Prince Frimpong. Other Guest Speakers were: Bishop Festus Mensah Bosiako, Ohio; Bishop Felix Asare Bediako, Queens, New York; ARTISTS were: Elder Kenneth Appiah, Maame Adelaide, Grace Wallace and Felicity/Joe Menz.
SUPPORTING MINISTERS were: Rev. James Tweneboah, Rev. Richard Boachie, Rev. Daniel Boachie, Rev.Tony Birinkorang - Local Pastors.
The Fall Prayer Festival was sponsored by Mr Kofi Bawuah Universal Trucking and Shipping Inc , Woodbrige , NJ , USA , 732-381-6977
Source: Rev. Dr. Nicholas Opuni, Host Pastor, Former General Secretary, Assemblies of God, Ghana and former Pastor of Central Assembly of God, Kumasi and Central Assembly of God Tema Ghana.

ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY -- Throughout the Bible, there are several Festivals or Feasts that the people of God used to celebrate. The Passover Festival was held in the month of April (Abib). Pentecost was celebrated in June( Sivan). The Trumpets and the Tabernacles were celebrated in October (Tishri). The festival of Dedication was held in December (Kislev). Purim was celebrated in March. These were days of commemoration and celebration of God. They were days of deeper spiritual emphasis and fellowship with God and with one another. 'Make hay while the sun shines' goes the adage. The Black Smith hits hard to shape his tools while the metal is hot. The gathering together of God's people to such spiritual emphasis is so crucial to our Well-being and Wholesomeness in the Lord. Deep rooted spiritual, mental, emotional and physical problems are dealt with to its roots instead of sugar coating them.
Another three weeks of PRAYER FESTIVAL has just been completed at the Compassion Community Church, Elizabeth, New Jersey.
The Theme was: 'PRAY WITHOUT CEASING' I Thess.5:17 - Paul continues in verse 23 of I Thessalonians: 'May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole SPIRIT, SOUL, and Body be kept blamless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.'God does His work stages by stages. It is true in the creation in Genesis 1. Like the DRY BONES in Ezekiel, the Prophet of God was asked to prophesy stages by stages to the DRY BONES until the end of the day , the DRY BONES became like a MIGHTY ARMY.
In the Summer Festival, Broken Hearts were healed. Deep hurts were exposed and dealt with. The FALL FESTIVAL was like the AWAKENING OF THE MIND or THE SOUL. Throughout the three weeks, the Man OF GOD, Prophet Prince Frimpong spoke on the Topic: 'THE WINNING MENTALITY.' From the Bible stories: THE TWELVE SPIES in Numbers 13; DAVID AND GOLIATH in I Sam. 17; CONQUERING AND REBUILDING JERICHO in Josh. 6; THE TEN VIRGINS in Matt. 25; the Man Of God CHALLENGED the awakening of the Mind. He made powerful statements like:
-You are what you think and you think what you are.
-Failures dwell on all that will go wrong instead of all that could go right.
-Failures focus on WHAT they are going through; Winners focus on WHERE they are going.
-Giants are not necessary strong.
-10 were grassHOPPERS; 2 were grape CHOPPERS.
-The worldly is able and quick to produce their champions.
-Don't miss the first stone when fighting with Goliath – The Power of the FIRST STONE.
-The will of God will not send you to a place His Grace cannot sustain you.
-You can set a prisoner free, yet not free.
-Every place that has entrance has Exit, Everything that has a Beginning has an End too.
-Enemies are opportunities to excel; Face challenges and develop your skills
-There are 3 MINDS: The SMALL MIND- Talk about people; The AVERAGE MIND - Talk about Events; The GREAT MIND- Talk about Ideas.
-You are remembered by 2 things: Either by Problems you solved or by Problems you created.
-The difference between the NOBODY and SOMEBODY is the enemy you overcome.
-It is not how long you live , but how full.
-You can stop your watch, but you can't stop Time.
-To be a Winner you need to be Wise not a Fool
-Have an Extra Faith, Love, Hope, Favor, Strength and Anointing of God.
Demons that have controlled the Spirit and Mind of people exposed themselves, submitted, yelled and left their grip on many. Hideous satanic plans against people were exposed and rendered powerless by the Precious Blood of Jesus. People of God watched with awe as demons themselves exposed their wicked schemes. The Faithful who attended all the meetings learned so much through the WORD preached, Prophecies and the Prayer Ministrations.
The FLAG OF GHANA was lifted high and prayer was offered for the nation and especially Ghanaians in the Diaspora. God is going to revisit them and deliver them from all their hardships.
Through the Word of Prophecy, next year is declared the YEAR OF REST AND PERFECTION. Watch out for our next WINTER FESTIVAL from the beginning of January 2007.
In the meantime, every Friday is an ALL NIGHT from 10pm to 3.30 am. TUESDAYS- DELIVERANCE and MIRACLE service from 10.30am to 3.30pm. WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS are counseling and Prayers from 11.30am to 3pm. Many men of God will be ministering to us.
The MAIN Speaker for this programme was Prophet Prince Frimpong. Other Guest Speakers were: Bishop Festus Mensah Bosiako, Ohio; Bishop Felix Asare Bediako, Queens, New York; ARTISTS were: Elder Kenneth Appiah, Maame Adelaide, Grace Wallace and Felicity/Joe Menz.
SUPPORTING MINISTERS were: Rev. James Tweneboah, Rev. Richard Boachie, Rev. Daniel Boachie, Rev.Tony Birinkorang - Local Pastors.
The Fall Prayer Festival was sponsored by Mr Kofi Bawuah Universal Trucking and Shipping Inc , Woodbrige , NJ , USA , 732-381-6977
Source: Rev. Dr. Nicholas Opuni, Host Pastor, Former General Secretary, Assemblies of God, Ghana and former Pastor of Central Assembly of God, Kumasi and Central Assembly of God Tema Ghana.

Source: dr. nicholas opuni