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GaDangme Europe holds 13th annual general meeting in Germany

Ga Agmeeting The conference was honored by traditional leaders of the GaDangme land

Sat, 28 Oct 2017 Source: Naadiatu-Bagigah Bawah

According to the constitutional laws of the GaDangme Europe, a general meeting is held yearly where executives and members join heads together to come deliberate on issues and goals for the upcoming year.

The 13th Annual General Meeting was held on the 29th September 2017 and hosted in Düsseldorf, Germany at Logenhaus - Heinesaal (Lodge House), Uhlandstraße 38. This year´s conference signifies one of the most fruitful and progressing goals of the association.

The seed of love planted in the year 2008 in Amsterdam is growing and expanding in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana and within GaDangme´s inside Europe.

The 13th Annual General Meeting held under the admirable leadership of Mrs Sarah Naa Adoley Coleman Hoeling contained themes like educating GaDangme children and youths into the Ga language as well as the Ga culture, the Food Security Project the association is embarking on and also the last but not the least the growth of GaDangme Europe on the social media.

The conference was honored by traditional leaders of the GaDangme land namely Manye Otiko DeSouza, Naa Dede Akrong, Manye Marmakai Bortorbli I (Prampram Atofo Many?), Nii Ayinsah Sasraku III (Jaasets? of Kokrobite), Nii Osabu Abbey IV (Prampram S?i Ts?), Nii Quao Donkor II (Aser? J??shi), Nii Acquah II (Chief of Ga-Odumase) and Nuumo Gbelenfo III (Osu Guawur?m?). Media groups from Ghana and Switzerland like Obonu FM, Latenu, TV Africa and Abongobi Media were present to broadcast the programme on air to other GaDangme´s and Ghanaians around the globe.

The conference commenced with a traditional prayer by Nuumo Gbelenfo III (Osu Guawur?m?) which shows GaDangme´s that our tradition must not die since the Ga tradition has got precious and valuable functions in our daily lives.

As said earlier on, the association has taken it upon themselves to help GaDangme children have a comfortable education and also know about their origin by learning their culture.

Based on that GaDangme Europe has made donations to the Mount Zion School in Mamprobi where the Ga language is dominantly taught. The donations made to the students of the Mount Zion School consist of sports materials and equipment.

At this school, Abongobi Media is also running a GaDangme teaching project which is dwelling.

With the sports materials and equipment another learning area has been opened because the students get to know each other better when they play together as a team.

It also refers to the slogan of GaDangme´s “Ekome feem?, no mli hewal? y??”. This is a learning method to bring GaDangme children together to make the GaDangme land, Greater Accra grow with its rich culture.

The association thinks it will be a brilliant idea, if the “Ga language” teaching materials and study books are acquired for the GaDangme youths.

In this regard, schools will be supplied with Ga books to recruit more Ga teachers for the schools inside Greater Accra since we lack such.

The chiefs added that charity begins at home and that parents must build a foundation for their children by teaching them the Ga language and that giving a child a good foundation by knowing his/ her culture is the best start-up in life.

To keep the Ga culture running a young youth based in Germany is writing a Ga book in three languages (Ga, English and German) in order to make youths and elders who might have forgotten or know less about the Ga culture come back to their roots by learning their culture and also where they came from.

Although it is good to adapt another culture abroad, we need to bear in mind that we also have a culture which must not be neglected.

Aside that the Europeans and other foreigners also see our culture as an interesting one and it will just be splendid to see ours expand widely in abroad. This will always make us feel close to our country Ghana. That is the main brain behind this book and also a call to the GaDangme youths to come together to work as one.

Another topic which ended with successful results is the Food Security Project the association has started planning and working on since last year.

The President, Mrs Sarah Naa Adoley Coleman Hoeling updated her members and elders on the project. She made it known that crops like cassava and maize will be planted on the farm.

Mrs Sarah Naa Adoley Coleman Hoeling showed gratitude to Nuumo Gbelenfo III for allocating nine acres of land in Aburi to make this project advance. The project is indeed progressing, since the President witnessed this after her visit to Ghana this year.

She also recommended that we should all come together leaving all differences behind us in order to create new visions. The Food Security Project is not just created to cultivate crops in order to have food to sustain our lives but rather to create jobs for people in the Greater Accra Region and Ghana as a whole.

All in all, one can say that GaDangme´s are rising up once again to work on their culture and they are noticing the valuable properties and rich culture that our forefathers left behind for us to take care of.

Creating an effective and efficient education system for youths in the GaDangme land is the next step to take the future of the GaDangme land to the next level since the youths of today are the future leaders of tomorrow.

The youths can only continue the work of their elders in the future, if only they are been well educated on their culture. If this is not considered, we will end up losing our land to foreigners and other tribes.

Let us rise up to work on our goals! GaDangme Europe is on the right path of making GaDangme and Greater Accra come back to its roots as it was left by our elders.

Let us help to make GaDangme great again.

Source: Naadiatu-Bagigah Bawah