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Ghanaian-Canadians in Toronto Speak

Sat, 28 Apr 2012 Source: Joe Kingsley Eyiah

Motivational Talks and Strategies to Deal with Systemic Barriers

By Joe Kingsley Eyiah, OCT, Brookview Middle School, Toronto

Across Boundaries is a Non-governmental Organization focused on assisting immigrant communities in Canada to build appropriate network for making resources accessible to their members for their own development. The organization also facilitates educational/social meetings for the communities which lead to capacity-building! So far, Across Boundaries has helped organized the Afghan and the Somali communities on such lines. The Ghanaian community also stands a greater chance of benefitting from Across Boundaries’ efforts which are mostly geared towards the grassroots level.

Ghanaians living in Canada have many strengths, which, if harnessed effectively could make us into a dynamic community within the Canadian mosaic of diverse cultures. In time past attempts have been made by some individuals in the community to give one voice to all Ghanaians! I personally appreciate such efforts and wished we had had better results than we have as a community now from those efforts.

Our Strengths:

We have a lot of strengths which include among others;

a) Cherished Traditional Values

- coming together to honor our dead (funerals)

- making time for our spiritual life (churches-there are about 30 Ghanaian Churches in Toronto alone!)

- prompting chieftaincy and ethnic/cultural associations

- supporting our external families , especially, those back home in Ghana

b) Organized Professional Bodies

We now have Ghanaian professional workers who have organized themselves to assist the community with their services and expertise. They include:

- Nurses

- Teachers

- Doctors

- Real Estates

- Cab Drivers

- Social Workers

c) Many Community Business- grocery, cosmetics, fashion etc.

Our Challenges:

As immigrants we (adult and youth) are confronted with;

-cultural dilemma (choosing between the strict and ordered culture based on

respect for authority & the elderly we have back home and the free & “mind your

own business” society in the Western world)

-juvenile delinquency (youth in trouble with the law)

-systematic racism (at school, workplace and even in the church!)

Despite the above numerated challenges and more, we as a community have basic opportunities that we have to make good use of in our new land of abode.

Ghanaians Speak will be a forum to share ideas on such opportunities in particular as against the background of our strengths and challenges and; examine the available resources that can move us forward!


The opportunities we have in Canada include:

a) Health System

-annual medical check-ups (free of charge)

-mental health education to develop our thinking for our social, emotional, physical and economic well being!

b) Education

- free primary up to high school education

- education funds for our children matched by the government

-informal training and trades

-OSAP (Ontario government’s student loans for college/university


c) Networking and Resources (connecting with the right people and

organizations for the necessary help)

I therefore congratulate Across Boundaries for their initiative of mobilizing willing and concerned Ghanaians, as a beginning to come to 121 Kendleton Drive (Kipling and John Garland) in Toronto on Saturday, April 12, 2012 from 3pm to 7pm to participate in workshops which will make your voice heard and also provide you with resources you need to move forward successfully as a Ghanaian living in Canada. “Obi nnim a obi kyere” so say the Akans of Ghana. Come and see! This will not be just talk-talk!

Source: Joe Kingsley Eyiah