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Ghanaian Community In China Mourns Late Prez Mills

Diaspora China 08.12

Thu, 9 Aug 2012 Source: NANA APPIAH KUBI

On 8th August, 2012, as part of the grand funeral for our beloved President John Evans Atta Mills, Ghanaians in China converged at Guangzhou City to pay their last respect to our departed President. Below is a speech delivered by Mr. Ben Owusu-Achiaw, the Vice Chairman of Ghanaian Community in China on behalf of Ghanaians in Peoples’ Republic of China.

Fellow Ghanaians, Invited Guests, Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the chairman who is on his way to attend an important event in South Africa and the entire Ghanaian Community in China, I wish to express our profound gratitude for honoring our invitation to mourn with us. It is a sad moment for Ghana and indeed Africa as a continent as we mourn our beloved President, PROF. JOHN EVANS ATTA MILLS.

As a community, we express our heartfelt condolence to the wife, the son, the family and the National Democratic Congress. While no word can erase our loss, we hope our gestures of sympathy will be a comfort to you. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Ghanaian Community in China received the breaking news of the demise of our beloved President with great shock and pain. We could not believe it and kept on looking seriously to hear news that the death of our beloved father was not true and that never came into reality.

Fellow Ghanaians, Ladies and Gentlemen, the whole world is weeping, yes weeping but we Ghanaians know that behind the curtain, a host of Heavenly Angels receive him with joy and fulfillment as being led by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Prof. as he was affectionately called lived like the master himself. In fact he came really and truly close to the ideals of our Lord, our master and Savior Jesus Christ. In all of Jesus life, He preached nothing but peace so did our beloved President. It is Jesus who said ‘’ come unto me all who are heavily burden and I shall give your perpetual rest.

Prof. demonstrated to the world that he was a man of peace and the whole nation Ghana referred to him as ‘’ ASOMDEEHENE’’ meaning Prince of Peace because he was a true son of God.

Fellow Ghanaians, Ladies and Gentlemen, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ informed all mankind on earth that ‘Peace on Earth’ for God and sinners have reconciled. In the same vein, Ghanaian Community in China urges Ghanaians especially the political parties to remain calm, circumspect and let the death of beloved President promote peace and unity. The only befitting gift as a people we can bestow on UNCLE ATTA is a peacefully election as it has been his bench mark.

Prof. saw Ghana as one big family and always referred to us as brothers and sisters, no one is big or small but rather equal before man and God. He was labeled as peaceful, humble and God fearing.

Fellow Ghanaians, Ladies and Gentlemen, join me to wish our beloved President safe journey to our Heavenly Father. Until we meet again, MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PERFECT PEACE.

Thank you and God bless us all!

Picture: Ghanaians in China at the funeral

Sign: NANA APPIAH KUBI, 0086-13422286614