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Intimate Partner Abuse

Sat, 28 Mar 2009 Source: By: Abena Kwatemaa Offeh-Gyimah

Domestic violence has become a silent issue in the African American community. It is often done behind closed doors and it is given little or no attention. It is usually an act of authority from the male partner inflicted on the female and it occurs when the male feels that his female partner is esteemed higher than him by society. The silence placed on this type of violence makes it extremely difficult for its victims to voice out their sufferings.

African Americans experience the highest domestic violence rate in comparison to other races. The causes of most domestic violence within the African American family are due to poverty, sexism and social oppression. Poverty has limited an average black family access to job opportunities and education. It has also caused the lack of economic security within the average family. This results in controlling and abusive behaviour on the part of the male partner. Also, studies show that the abuse starts when the man notices that he makes less income than his female partner. The wider the income gap, the more severe the violence tends to get. This is mainly due to the lack of resources and services in the black community to educate and provide better jobs.

Additionally, there is a negative relationship between African Americans and the justice system. Race plays a major role in how domestic violence is perceived by the government. The justice system often stereotypes the black victims as though they are unworthy of help. Also, these women are perceived by the system, to be the ones who ask for the violence. The justice system is created in such a way that many black women feel as though they cannot speak out; especially, if these women already live in extreme poverty or poor government housing. They may already work for minimum wage and thus feel as though they cannot leave their violent homes. This closes many paths for black women who need rehabilitation or a way out of domestic violence.

Although it is impossible to eradicate domestic violence, better education will help reduce the high rate of occurrences. It is time for the black community to take measures to ensure that there is no excuse for abusive men. The community must create workshops to equip its members with the necessary skills in addressing the problem at home. Also, it is important to openly address domestic violence as it will discourage its use. It is a right for human being to enjoy a violent-free life

It is imperative for the black community to talk about the ills of domestic violence in order to avoid the next generation from falling into the same trap. It should not be taken lightly as it is a life threatening issue and a priority of the community to make sure that everyone is safe. The community has a huge responsibility in sending a strong message that domestic violence is unacceptable.

Many black women do not realize that they have more opportunities than black men. There are many ways for them to come out of domestic violence relationships such as attending workshops, staying in shelters that are safe for them and attending adult educational programs. Since domestic violence is an issue of power and control, more black women need to take roles of leadership. When more women take positions of leadership, there will be a structure change which will allow these women to address domestic violence from a position of leadership. This way issues with gender domination will be effectively addressed. In all, it is up to the victims of domestic abuse to make the first step towards change.

Source: By: Abena Kwatemaa Offeh-Gyimah