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Kwahuman Europe Foundation President Visits Kwahuman France.

Sat, 27 Oct 2012 Source: --

Dr. Abena Keller Agyepong , President of the Kwahuman Europe Foundation paid a visit over the weekend to members of Kwahuman Association in France, Paris-Cergy. She was welcomed by the Executives and the General Assemble.

The purpose of the visit was to update Members on the current affairs of the Kwahuman Europe Foundation and to inform them about her recent trip to the Kwahu Traditional Area and brief them about the upcoming Christmas Fund-Raising Party being organized by the Okwahuman Association of Switzerland in collaboration with the Kwahuman Europe Foundation.

Elaborating on the Current affairs of the Kwahuman Europe Foundation,the President elaborated on steps taken to build a solid foundation upon which a strong Foundation can operate in a sustainable manner with the principal aim of developing the Kwahu traditional area.

Concrete steps has been taken to register the Association as a Foundation in the European union of the Netherlands. The Foundation has also been registered as an NGO in Ghana to ensure that donated items sent to needed institutions will be tax exempt. She encouraged participation Associations to take advantage of the NGO Status of the parent registered Foundation and not to hesitate in looking and sending needed donated items to various institutions in the Kwahu traditional area and Ghana as a whole.

Reporting to the group about her visit with some Executive members of Swiss Kwahuman Association,and the Deputy Secretary of Kwahuman Development Association (KDA), the delegation was met by the Administrators of Atibie Hospital who led them to tour the hospital , showing them some of the recent achievements and challenges facing the Hospital .

The delegation took the opportunity to inspect the use of computers recently donated by the Kwahuman Europe Foundation to the hospital. A request was made by the hospital to the foundation for a number of items needed by the hospital, to ensure that quality patient care is achieved .The most pressing item on the list was an Ambulance, as that donated years ago by the Okwahuman Association in Switzerland is the only Ambulance serving the area and after years in operation, no longer in an optimal condition.

The next leg of the trip by the delegation was to Obo, where they were met by the Obohene and his Elders. They were shown the newly completed Obo Community Library. The Palace asked for additional computers for the facility as only two was available for use. Five additional computers was assigned to the library and will be delivered by the KDA, which is in charge of 30 computers donated by the Kwahuman Europe Foundation for distribution to various institutions including schools.

The Engineering School under construction in Obo was also visited by the delegation. All different forms of assistance is needed for the completion of the School. The Palace asked that a message be sent to all Kwahus in the diaspora that their help is needed in ensuring that the school is successfully completed.This is a welcoming news as the school will serve students not only in Kwahu, but from all over Ghana.

The visit of the President ended in a Question- Answer session from the Members of Kwahuman Association of France in Paris-Cergy.

Dr. Keller stressed the need for support and encouragement from members and leaders of the association, working hand in hand as they work voluntarily under mostly difficult conditions and limited time and resources to try and maintain the group in working for each other and the betterment of the Kwahu traditional area

She also encouraged the members to take good advantage of Health, Educational and Economic programs offered by their Host Country. She encouraged the heads of the Association to keep abreast of local information that will help the members of the association to integrate into the French society

One important issue that the President was concerned with, was the coming together of parents to promote the educational standards of their children in their Host County. Making sure that they understand the different education requirements and challenges facing their Children and to look for the appropriate help for them when needed.

The other issue that needs attention is the well being of Pensioners and Senior Citizens of Ghanaians in the Diaspora. She finds that most of the Pensioners are at lost as to how to transit back home to their various Towns and Villages. She asked the group to brainstorm on some useful project ideas that can be instituted in Ghana drawing on the knowledge acquired by seniors throughout the years.Her next visit is expected to take her to Italy – Brescia, where the Kwahu community will be meeting on 10th November 2012 to interact with them as was done in France – Paris. A suitable date will be found for her visit to meet with the Kwahu community in Den-Haag.

Greetings from Okwahuman Switzerland was extended to the Members of Kwahuman France, as they await their presence in Zürich on the 22 of December for the WHITE CHRISTMAS AZONTO FUND-RASING PARTY. Proceeds will go to the purchasing of an ambulance and necessary items for the Atibie Hospital and schools in the Kwahu Traditional Area.

All Kwahus and the general Public are cordially invited.

For more information on this article please contact the writer at [email protected].

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