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NDC Canada Salutes Ghanaian Workers On May Day

Fri, 1 May 2009 Source: NDC Canada Chapter

Brothers and Sisters in the Struggle for a Better Ghana,

On this May Day, we the members of NDC Canada Chapter send our fraternal greetings to you as our comrades in a common struggle for peace, social justice, dignity and human rights for all Ghanaians.

On this day dedicated to the struggles and accomplishments of the international working class, we recommit ourselves to supporting the government of Ghana under the leadership of H.E. President John Evans Atta Mills to deliver NDC’s promise of a Better Ghana with no Ghanaian left behind.

While we call on our government to pay realistic and living salaries to Ghanaian workers, we should also however, not turn a blind eye to the present economic and financial problems affecting the world at large and especially developing countries such as ours.

We shall continue to support the social policies of the NDC government so we as a nation will speedily adopt a basic labour law that complies with all of the standards established by the International Labour Organization (ILO), including the right to freely organize and join unions of the workers’ choice, negotiate contracts, and strike when necessary, free of all government interference in the internal affairs of labour organizations.

We hail our government for setting up a committee to investigate the fraudulent sale of Ghana Telecom to Vodafone and call for a proper review and if possible an abrogation of this criminal deal. We demand further investigations into the fraudulent sale of other state own companies including Ghana Airways to a faceless entity after bypassing more credible competitors like the KLM.

We call on our government to allow the law to take its cause on anyone found guilty of any wrong doings aimed at swindling and looting the Ghanaian people in the last eight years of NPP rule. We also call on government to speedily implement a compensation package for workers who were wrongly dismissed by the NPP government on suspicion of being NDC members or sympathizers in the last eight years.

We want to inform you that on this workers’ day, we members of NDC Canada Chapter are in support of living salaries and better conditions of service for all Ghanaian workers including our men and women in uniform who toil day and night to protect us.

We salute you great workers of mother Ghana for your courage, contributions and sacrifice which has enable Ghana to reach this admirable stage. Your resistance to injustice is an inspiration to every Ghanaian everywhere.

Long live the Ghana Labour Movement! Long Live Ghana!

Signed: Charles N. Nkansah (General & Propaganda Secretary)

Source: NDC Canada Chapter ([email protected])

Source: NDC Canada Chapter