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NDC UK and Ireland Chapter organises thanksgiving service in London

UK & IRELAND Chapter Some members of the party who were present at the thanksgiving service

Tue, 24 Oct 2023 Source: HYT AFRICA TV News

Over the weekend, the newly elected executives of the NDC UK & Ireland

Chapter embarked on a thanksgiving service led by Chairman Conrad Dumbah, the Chapter Chairman, marking a significant milestone for the Chapter after a successful election.

The ceremony showcased the Chapter's commitment to unity, inclusivity, and

a brighter future for Ghana. The ceremony commenced with a visit to the

Seven Sisters Mosque in London on Friday for a Muslim prayer, symbolizing

the Chapter's engagement with and respect for the Muslim community.

This gesture emphasized their dedication to fostering harmony and understanding among different religious groups. Following the mosque prayer, the executives proceeded to the Freedom Centre International Church on Sunday, where prayers were offered for Ghana, the NDC flag bearer His Excellency John Dramani Mahama's candidacy in the upcoming 2024 elections, and the NDC UK & Ireland Chapter itself.

The prayers resonated with their belief in the potential for positive change and

the importance of actively supporting their chosen leader and party. It is worth

noting that the Chapter's thanksgiving ceremony stemmed from a well-organized election process.

The Deputy General Secretary of the chapter, Mustapha Gbande, National Organizer Joseph Yamin, Director of IRD Hon Alex Segbefia, and other dedicated party

functionaries played crucial roles in ensuring the election's success. Their

efforts demonstrated the commitment of the NDC UK & Ireland Chapter to democracy and transparent decision-making.

During his thanksgiving speech delivered at various religious centers, Conrad Dumbah reemphasized the need for Ghanaian citizens abroad to support both the NDC and the country itself.

He urged them to vote for John Dramani Mahama in the 2024 elections, highlighting the candidate's capability to address the ailing economy and steer Ghana back on track.

Furthermore, he encouraged religious leaders to utilize their positions of influence to preach the gospel of nation-building and rally their congregations to support the NDC's bid for power in 2024.

By uniting religious and political aspirations, the Chapter strives to foster a unifying message of progress, emphasizing the importance of faith-based leaders in shaping Ghana's future.

During the ceremony, clergy members from various religious centers also

shared powerful testimonies, highlighting the substantial impact of economic

challenges in all facets of Ghanaian society. These testimonies served as

reminders of the urgency for change, emphasizing the need for collaborative

efforts to tackle the nation's economic woes.

The NDC UK & Ireland Chapter's thanksgiving ceremony served as more

than a mere celebration of their recent election victory. It showcased their

commitment to unity, inclusivity, and progress for Ghana. By engaging with

both the Muslim and Christian communities, the Chapter demonstrated its

respect for diverse beliefs and its desire to foster a cohesive society.

As the NDC UK & Ireland Chapter looks towards the future, their vision for

Ghana's economic revival and restoration of national prosperity is

accompanied by a call for collective action. With Chairman Conrad Dumbah's

passionate appeal for support and religious leaders' engagement in

advocating for nation-building, the NDC UK & Ireland Chapter sets forth an

inspiring and ambitious agenda towards a brighter future for Ghana.

With collaboration and determination, the path to economic recovery and

national development can be achieved, allowing the nation to rediscover its

true potential and prosperity.

Source: HYT AFRICA TV News