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NDC is a Terrorist Organization --- Say's Abroad's Leader

Wed, 19 Oct 2011 Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini, UHURU TIMES

The leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC), "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor", described by many of his supporters as ("Re-Incarnation of Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah"), yet has converted into the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has publicly informed the White House, United States' Congress, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Israel, Egypt, Libya's National Transition Council, Russia, China, African Union, Ecowas, United Nations, Brave American People and, Peace-loving, as well as Believers of Democracy, Freedom and Liberty in his native Country of Ghana, that the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Ghana, is a dangerous, cowardly, and barbaric Terrorist organization, which, during its AFRC and PNDC Military regimes, terrorized Ghanaians, especially, residents in Kumasi, whether they were innocent Asantes, innocent Ewes, innocent Fantes, innocent, Gas, innocent Hausas, innocent Dagombas, innocent Gonjas, innocent Sisalas, innocent Mamprusis, innocent Kwahus, innocent Brongs, innocent Akuapems, innocent Denkyiras, to mention but a few.

NDC, during its AFRC and PNDC Military days, used some Akan "Traitors", especially, former President John Agyekum Kufuor, who accepted a position from Rawlings during PNDC days, to kill, torture, harass and persecute their own Akan People, and when AFRC and PNDC later became known as NDC, the Terrorist organization used another Akan "Traitor" --- President John Evans Atta Mills to head the Party to destroy, harass, persecute and terrorize his own Akan People.

There is empirical evidence in Wikipedia to prove that President John Evans Atta Mills is an avowed hater of Asantes, or a dangerous anti-Asante Tribalist, and the President's Wikipedia statement that "Great Ashanti Project is Terryfying" proves that he is indeed, Anti-Asante "Tribalistic Pig", and a "Black Ku Klux Klan", said the Pro-American Democracy Activist, and Ex-Precinct Captain for President Barack Obama, who has asked Ghanaians to pray for President Mills to heal him from his bizarre and illogical hatred against Asantes, and moreover, to heal him from being used as an "Akan Traitor" by NDC to destroy, harass, persecute, terrorize and discriminate against his own Akan People, whether they are innocent innocent Fantes, innocent Asantes, innocent Denkyiras , innocent Akuapems, to mention but a few.

Still, appealing to Ghanaians around the World to immediately join his newly formed "God's Liberation Army", "Jesus Christ Liberation Front", and Prophet Muhammed's Center for Non-Violence and Against Terrorism, to establish a Moral and Ethical society and government, and also, advising Ghanaians around the World to continue to forward his weekly Political messages, via electronic mails, telephone calls, faxes and texts on their Mobile or Cellular Phones --- former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, and (aspiring) 2012 Presidential Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, has publicly asked Ghanaians to forever reject violence, and utilize Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King's Philosophy of Peaceful Non-Violent Resistance.

The Politician has condemned evil, corrupt and Political Terrorists serving in (any) government in Ghana, and asked Ghanaians to respect the real Biblical Ten Commandments, such as "Thou Shall Not Kill", ---- [not] the "Fake Commandments" that Ugandan Terrorist, Satanic and Barbaric Organization, LRA, has exploited to deceive People, and committed "Crimes Against Humanity".

"Those who join God's Liberation Army", and "Jesus Christ Liberation Front", must pledge to believe in God Almighty; and also, pledge to be followers of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's Philosophy of Non-Violence !!!", said the Moralist Politician, and Scholar, who is regarded as "more educated than 70% of America's population".

The Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela', quoting Nelson Mandela's Philosophy of "Armed Struggle", [if persuasion fails], asked Ghanaians, to join the fight against Anti-American Political Terrorists hiding anywhere in the World, including Ghana which still habors Anti-American AFRC and PNDC Political Terrorists and Murderers like Flight Lieutenant (retired) Jerry John Rawlings, Major (retired) Boakye Djan, Kojo Tsikata, Kofi Awoonor, etc, etc, who are opposed to Democracy, Freedom and Liberty, and "Akan-Traitors" like former President John Agyekum Kufuor, who served Rawlings during PNDC days, despite the fact that AFRC and PNDC Military Terrorist regimes killed, tortured, harassed and persecuted innocent Akans, especially innocent Asantes, and other innocent Ghanaians such as innocent Gas, innocent Ewes, innocent Brongs, innocent Dagombas, innocent Gonjas, innocent Hausas, innocent Frafras, innocent Fantes, innocent Akyems, innocent Akuapems, innocent Kwahus, innocent Sisalas, innocent Denkyiras, innocent Mamprusis, etc, etc.

"Ghana's ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) founded by former Military Dictator, Jerry John Rawlings is a dangerous Anti-Human Rights; Anti-Freedom, Anti-Liberty and Anti-American (Terrorist Organization), and the White House, United States' Congress, United Nations and the rest of the Free Democratic World should immediately take reasonable steps to capture its leaders, in the same way as Saddam Hussein and his Terrorist Gangs of Lieutenants were captured, says the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela".

"Obama's White House, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Union of African States (UAS), Ecowas, NATO, Russia, China, etc, etc, and the United Nations, have a Moral and Ethical responsibility to bring to justice, AFRC and PNDC Terrorists in Ghana who executed former Heads of State and Army Generals; executed Judges, raped and paraded innocent Ghanaian Women naked in the principal streets of the Country, killed, tortured and persecuted Ghanaians, especially Akans, and attempted to exterminate innocent Asantes", said the Politician who tells the truth, and nothing but the truth.

Still, seeking to speak before United States' Congress to present his case to House of Representatives and the Senate and also, seeking to appear before the White House and United Nations to present empirical evidence that the ruling (NDC government in Ghana is a "Terrorist Organization"), the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, has meanwhile, asked Ghanaians to use Peaceful (Non-Violent) means to defend themselves against government's oppression.

"Had it not been that useless former President John Agyekum Kufuor who collaborated with Rawlings during PNDC days to persecute, kill and torture Ghanaians of (every tribe and ethnicity), especially, the brutal and barbaric persecutions against Asantes --- the blood-thirsty PNDC/NDC Military regimes would not have returned to power", said the Great Politician.

"Ghanaian Believers of Democracy, Freedom and Liberty, should blame the greedy, "Waa-Waa"; selfish and arrogant Kufuor for the return of Rawlings' Terrorist AFRC /PNDC Military regimes, which has become NDC Political Party, which is now headed by the hypocrite President John Evans Atta Mills, a dangerous "Akan Traitor" and evil man who hates innocent Asantes for no reason, and supports Political Terrorism by his actions and in-actions --- yet deceives the World Community by holding the Sacred Bible", said the Honest Politician who speaks the truth and nothing but the truth, and who has asked the World Community, especially brave Americans to put pressure on President Barack Obama, and the United Nations to send troops to protect Ghanaian Civilians, during Ghana's Presidential election in 2012.

" I urge every Ghanaian to be prepared 100% to defend the noble ideals and ideas of Democracy, Freedom and Liberty in Ghana by any 'means necessary', and I urge the United Nations and U.S. Congress to advise President Barack Obama to take immediate measures to save Civilian lives in Ghana, and to ensure a Free, Fair and Peaceful Election in Ghana, in 2012.

"The blood of Ghana would be on the hands of the White House, and on the hands of United Nations [if] they allow the ruling PNDC/NDC government that once abducted and murdered Judges, and that executed former Heads of State and Army Officers during AFRC days to renew their terrorism of killings, torture, persecutions and harassments", the Politician repeated.

His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills' government should begin the process of hunting down Amedeka, who participated in the brutal murder of the Judges and a retired Army Officer during Rawlings' PNDC regime which former President John Agyekum Kufuor served to enrich himself .

(It should be noted in history books that former President John Agyekum Kufuor knew 100% that the same Rawlings and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan had presided over a brutal AFRC that savagery executed former Heads of State and Army Generals including the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and the beloved Rear Admiral Yao Amedume --- yet he (Kufuor) accepted appointment and money from Rawlings' PNDC regime to persecute, torture and kill his [own] Asante Tribesmen -- like the Biblical Judas who sold the Great Jesus Christ, said the Populist Politician).

>[IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT] ----- > >White House could place President John Evans Atta Mills on Terrorist List [if] he continues to preside over a "State-Sponsored Terrorizing Government" that terrorizes Political Opponents. > > "And Ghana's President, John Evans Atta Mills should apologize to Ashantis for his Wikileak's statement that 'Great Ashanti Project is Terryfying'", according to former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor", who has asked the White House and United Nations to prevent a future Civil War in his native Country of Ghana. > > "Former President John Agyekum Kufuor, whose mother was born in Ashanti Region, and whose father was from Ahafo in Brong Ahafo Region, never had any Great Ashanti Project", said the Politician who explained that the fact that Kufuor's mother later married Nana Baffour Akoto, a former Linquest for Ashanti Kings' Palace, does not mean that Kufuor had "Great Ashanti Project". > > "Kufuor did nothing to save Ashantis, and neither did he develop Ashanti Region", said "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, whose biological Great Ancestors --- historical occupants of Kumasi Adontenghene Chieftaincy Stool from Bamang, near the Kente weaving Town of Bonwire, in Ashanti Region, led Ashanti wars against Colonialism and Imperialism. > >The maverick Politician who persuaded the White House to organize "Coalition of the Willing" against Libya's former Dictator, Mu'ammar Gaddafi and who also encouraged the White House to organize Military intervention against former Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak, and also urged the White House and U.N. to bombard former Ivorian dictator, Gbagbo --- (USA and U.N. allowed France to bombard Gbagbo's hideout) --- warned Ghana not to allow Major (retired) Boakye Djan, and Flight Lieutenant (retired) Jerry John Rawlings to engage in Terrorism.

>* Source : Uhuru Times

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Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini, UHURU TIMES