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NPP Ireland Salutes Elephant Patriots;

Tue, 21 Oct 2014 Source: Agyapong

Alan; Addai Nimo And Nana, Our Flagbearer

The Irish affiliate of the Ghana’s main opposition party herewith extends their hearty gratitude with acknowledgement to the rank and file of all members both within and out of our Great Party for the wonderful organisation of the just ended National Delegates Election.

Indeed, the grassroots members deserve a special mention and commendation for having strong faith and conviction to stand by our party in the midst of human-created economic hardships from Axim to Zibila and in particular among our members in view of the divide and rule policy of the present administration. Jobs, they say are always for the ‘boys’.

Similarly, we note with sincerest appreciation, contributions of all candidates especially Mr Alan Kyeremateng and Hon. Francis Addai Nimo. Again, we cannot afford to forget other presidential aspirants who could not make the shortlist. They all deserve a pat on their shoulders, whilst wishing them a better luck next time.

It is a fact that participation of these ‘giant elephants’ enriches our enviable democratic credentials in the Ghanaian political spectrum in particular as well as in the sub region.

The national executive must be applauded for the vast task of co-ordinating and organising this massive event coupled with contributions of the Electoral Commission in supervising the elections. The national security agencies such as the police should receive our affectionate thanks for ensuring peace, law and orderliness.

Now to our elected Leader and Presidential Candidate, we could only remind you of your own mantra that “we must always look back to look forward”. The people have spoken through the ballot box and have reaffirmed the exceptional love, conviction, confidence, faith and the trust they have and continue to repose in you over the years. Ghanaians know and we in Ireland are aware and alert that the current economic malaise in the country can only be salvaged by the administration of NPP, led by Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo Addo with his team of political and economic professionals.

Therefore, we urge in the highest esteem that habitual orchestrated tribal factionalism and rancour should be a thing of the past. We must move together as one and forward in the hope of changing Ghana into a place we can all call a place worth living in. To NPP Grandees who may have issues in the past, we beseech you, for the sake of the party and country to burry your differences so as to be able to capture power in 2016. The time for settling personal or group scores has come and gone. Ghanaians would never forgive us should we fail them again come 2016 as a result of bickering and in-fighting. It is a high time we came together for a common cause; Patriots!

The main goal and pre-occupation is to win massively come December 2016.

Nana, you have been tried and tested in all spheres of life. As a legal eagle your prowess, knowledge, craft and artistry of the Ghanaian and International legal systems is beyond comprehension and a beacon among the lots in and outside the continent. You have given your all – Soul, Body and Spirit to your party, people across political persuasions and beloved mother Ghana. Your quest to free your people economically on behalf of your beloved party knows no bounds and it is dated back many years ago.

The current financial defalcation perpetuated on the resources of the Republic - GYEEDA; SADA; SUBAH; BRAZILL 2014; NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME ROTS, WOYOMES & OTHER JUDGEMENT DEBTS; CHRAJ EXTRAVAGANZA to mention only few across board of the current NDC government is a clear testament that Ghanaians are calling for a new direction.

The looters of our meagre state coffers are politically well connected parading as NDC political functionaries. The main objective of their appointment is to Create, Loot, and Share ( see, Justice Jones Dotse’s Judgement) like dispensation of family inheritance.

Consequently, Foreign Direct Investment is fragile if not non-existence these days and the knock-on effects are guaranteeing the FREE FALL of the national currency and inhumane and untold hardships bedevilling many homes in the country. The Bank of Ghana is at the minute asleep only to wake up intermittently with cooked and massaged economic figures and indicators.

Nana, suffice to say the current high cost of living and economic hardship for our fellow country men and women are difficult to give of hand. Therefore, the country builds her trust in you and lieutenants in-waiting to come to their rescue hence your victory over the weekend.

Nana, Ghanaians are crying, dying in their droves not because of Ebola but in view of below capacity health delivery system and the economic mess by ineptitude, ineffective, and inefficient Mahama led administration.

Ghanaians are crying daily and dreaming to make ends meet and also itching for financial, social, economic and political freedom. “Dumso Dumso Dumso” has become part and parcel of Ghanaian lifestyle and culture notwithstanding the huge revenue from the newly found oil.

With the tool of National Anti-Corruption Action Plan which has been ratified by the august house, I hope and trust should we come to power; we shall win the war against the canker which has bedevilled the current administration. Thus, Massive Corruption in all levels coupled with Institutionalised inefficiency, Accountability and Transparency in the public, private and non-governmental agencies.

Ironically, the only good thing they know well is siphoning money out of the economy with alleged Gold Bars on board a chartered flight from Accra to Turkey and onward to Iran. The evil that men do lives after them. And William Shakespeare could not be more right in Macbeth that “There is no Art to find Mind construction in a face”. Ghanaians have therefore seen the difference between the NDC and NPP and I have no doubt in my mind that they will call upon this great party to show leadership in 2016.

NPP Ireland is proud to say Nana; we are with you now, throughout and thereafter. A job well done and ‘Mo ne Ye’!

Alfred Marshal Agyapong

1ST Vice Chairman

For and On Behalf of NPP Ireland

Communication Team

Source: Agyapong