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NPP-USA Address of support in Koforidua

Tue, 9 Jan 2007 Source: --

Address delivered on behalf of the Branch by Kwasi Afrifa of NY on Jan. 6, 2007

His Excellency President JA Kufuor, His Excellency Vice President Alhaji Aliu Mahama, Party Chairman Mac Manu, Honorable Ministers Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Members of Parliament, Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:

My name is Kwasi Afrifa originally from Mampong, Ashanti, and currently living in New York. I am the Vice Chairman of NPP-USA-New York Chapter. I am here with a few of the members of NPP-USA. We are a sample of the members of the growing, focused and dynamic NPP-USA. We have incorporated a branch of the NPP in the United States. It has been recognized as a tax-exempt, non-profit political organization by the United States Internal Revenue Services. We bring you greetings from our general and growing membership and particularly, from our Chairman, Mr. Kofi A. Boateng, the National and Chapter Executives.

The atmosphere of complaints and apathy is quickly being swept away and now you will find a united branch of NPP in the United States whose immediate task is to assist NPP to win the Presidency and a resounding majority in Parliament with the 2008 national elections. We are pleased to tell you that NPP Chapters are sprouting in major cities in the USA. We know that we must not only talk the talk but must walk the walk. As a result, we have launched a major fundraising campaign whose goals are to assist with the finances of the Party's headquarters, the Presidential Campaign and support our members who will contest parliamentary seats. Our initial goal is no secret. We aim to raise US$200,000 by September 2007 and thereafter surpass it. NPP-USA means business. Soon we shall launch a website at Its chief aim is to tell NPP's story from NPP's own mouth. It will showcase the very significant accomplishments of the NPP administration under His Excellency, President J.A. Kufuor. We encourage you to ask your relatives and friends in America to join us and pay their dues.

NPP-USA stands firmly behind the Party of choice in Ghana now and for evermore. As we move towards you, we plead that our brothers and sisters in decision-making positions also walk towards your own kith and kin residing abroad. We ask that you embrace us in all aspects of the national decision-making process. This should start with a respectable number of delegates assigned to NPP-USA. The implementation of the Representation of the People's Amendment Act (ROPAA) is of paramount interest to us. It must work in 2008! In our opinion, 2008 can be used as an initial implementation period and concentrate only on the Presidential election for the hundreds of thousands of Ghanaians living abroad. We shall continue to engage the Electoral Commission on a non-partisan basis but we need the same unflinching support from you that you displayed in getting ROPAA passed by Parliament and signed into law in February 2006 by President J.A. Kufuor, who gets our highest commendation for leadership and accomplishments.

There is one thing that we beseech all of us to take very seriously. We have to commit all resources to ensure the basic security of the people of Ghana. Armed robberies and illegal drug trafficking are dulling the shine on NPP's illustrious achievements and should be stamped out with extreme vigilance. We members of NPP-USA believe that the foundation for moving Ghana forward has been laid, and it is a solid one. It has to be continued by the same unrivaled leadership that can only be found in those with NPP stamped invisibly on their foreheads.

NPP-USA is behind all of you all the way to back to the Castle and Parliament.



Source: --