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Perez Chapel to host ladies all-night in Amsterdam

Perez Chapel Womens Wing Chapel Rev. Mrs. Vivian Agyinasare ministering

Tue, 6 Nov 2018 Source: eleashe s.c from amsterdam

The book of Jeremiah 33:3, says “call unto me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not”

Praying is one of the most important aspects of the Christian journey. The bible encourages us to pray without ceasing. This implies that, whatever we do in our life’s prayer should always be involved. In the bible there are numerous examples of times when prayer had opened many doors that were closed before people. When we pray we actually communicate with God. This leads to God opening all closed doors before us according to his will.

Many women in the bible such as Anna, Rebekah, Rachel, Deborah and Esther to name a few benefited from the power of prayer and experienced God moving on their behalf in - life and ministry. That means that woman of today can’t afford not to engage the power of prayer in their lives.

‘‘Women of Faith which is the women’s ministry of ‘Perez Chapel International - started in Ghana with the vision of the Co-founder of Perez Chapel International, Rev. Mrs. Vivian Agyinasare, affectionately called Mama Vivi. Her vision for women has grown to become a global vision. Mama Vivi wants to see all women empowered to take their place in their homes, societies and in the body of Christ. Pastor Harriet is one of the many beneficiaries of the vision of Mama Vivi.

Pastor Harriet often states that, “prayer is a critical part of our lives and intimacy with God. The first ‘Non-denominational Ladies All night’ was held on the 18th of May 2018, at Perez Chapel Amsterdam. The theme for this all-night service was "Restoration" and the message was taken from 1st Peter 5:10 “But the God of grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you”

Meaning after you have gone through the storms of life, disappointment, pain and failures you can be rest assured that God would restore you. This prayer service has brought forth numerous counts of personal testimonies to the praise and glory of God.

Here are testimonies of some women who attended …… “As you engaged us in prayers, I surrendered all my request and prayed in the spirit for a while. But as we continued I felt uneasy, like a weakening in me so I went out to drink water and came back to continue. When you came to me and prayed for me I fell under the power of the Holy Spirit. An overwhelming power that was so strong all over in the auditorium, it felt like electricity under my feet and I was moved to pray for others. It was a deep knowledge that I got about some people. I don't know how I got to know it but I just happen to know and pray about it. After the program I believe I see people more differently, with more compassion and more at peace. The desire to pray and draw closer to God is growing and I believe it was a life changing service that day.” ---anonymous

“During the all-night God challenged me to look beyond the way that I see myself and my future. He revealed His plan about my future and challenged me to let the past and the lies go. And take what He has said as the truth. Before I came to the all-night, I thought that I knew what God was saying about me and my future. I even thought that I had understood God's purpose for my life, but God showed me I was more than my thoughts and my past. Hope and courage rose in me. The thoughts about the past that were stopping me from moving forward were proved to be wrong. I left the all-night Enlightened of who God says that I am and drawn closer to Him.” ---Anonymous

“When I came to live in the Netherlands, I found myself in a wrong relationship. Whereby I was going through sexual and verbal abuse. Due to the abuse I started to look down upon myself.

Pastor Harriet mentioned a character from the bible named Deborah in Judges 5:7

“I Deborah I arose and village life ceased.”

This Word has been ringing in my spirit ever since. I was challenged, motivated and empowered to take bold steps in order to take my position as a woman, who has been called to enforce the kingdom of God on earth. From that day I decide to read more about Deborah. She made a great impact in her society even during the time where women were not regarded. I believe strongly that during the all night God restored me, especially in the area of self-confidence “--- Anonymous

The power of God, which broke every limitation, unlocked every closed door in our lives will be present again on November 16th at 10pm in Nieuwlandhof 215, 1106 RV, Amsterdam. For the next edition of ‘Mothers on the Threshing Floor’. All are invited!

Source: eleashe s.c from amsterdam