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RE: Osibisa Radio must stop the propaganda

Tue, 25 Nov 2014 Source: Osibisa Radio, UK

The attention of the management of Osibisa Radio, UK has been drawn to a statement issued by the Communication Directorate of the NPP, UK and signed by its director of communication Nana Yaw Sarpong accusing Osibisa Radio of misreporting and leading a campaign to impugn the reputation of Dr Bawumia. The statement which was published on the 22nd of November 2014 and copied to Osibisa Radio had “Osibisa Radio must stop the propaganda” as its headline and was full of factual inaccuracies, and seems to be what we consider as a deliberate attempt to intimidate Osibisa Radio and to stop the station from carrying its duty of informing its listeners and readers of nothing but the truth. It may also appear that the statement was issued from a background of ignorance and we would like to use this opportunity to set some records straight and also provide evidence to those who we deem fit to be the best judges - the public.

First, we would like to state clearly herein that Osibisa Radio, UK is a responsible media house staffed with professionals with good track records who have excelled in their various areas of expertise. In the discharge of their duties, our staffs observes the strictest test of check and balances, evidence gathering and proof as required to ensure that whatever information we air or publish is accurate and credible to the best of our knowledge. Integrity, credibility and reputation are very key in media and we at Osibisa Radio hold in high esteem those cherished attributes expected from any responsible media house.

Secondly, we would like to state herein that the management of Osibisa Radio will not tolerate attempts by any political party, group of persons or individuals to tarnish the hard earned good reputation of Osibisa Radio in whatever shape or form. We would pursue any such attempts vigorously through the law courts to seek appropriate redress without hesitation. Further, the management of Osibisa Radio would also like to point out that it does not receive financial support or contribution from any political party. Indeed in the environment in which we operate, the law frown on that. We therefore expected Nana Yaw and the NPP UK and Ireland chapter leaders to know better. As stated above, such deliberate desperate attempts aimed at damaging the good reputation of Osibisa Radio will be treated with all the seriousness it deserve and dealt with appropriately in a manner that will deter such reckless comments from any individuals or group of persons. We stand 100% by the news item published on our website which was carried by other respected media houses titled “I was selected because I am a Muslim – Bawumia”. Bawumia did made those comments and we have uploaded the video evidence which formed the basis of our news item on our website and on our YouTube page. We appreciate the fact that Nana Yaw Sarpong, the director of communication for the NPP UK/Ireland could have been ill-informed and therefore could have issued the denial statement in ignorance. Our current affairs discussion and the subsequent publication did not just happened in a vacuum. The comments Dr Bawumia was seen and heard making in our editorial opinion were not only dangerous, but also very divisive and serious especially coming from a politician who could have or and could still become the Vice President of our dear nation Ghana. Our advise to the entire membership of NPP especially the UK and Ireland chapter and Nana Yaw the communication director is to visit the link below to educate themselves and get their facts right and apologise to Osibisa Radio for wrongly accusing the station of publishing falsehood.

Also, the NPP UK communication directorate must understand and know that just as we allow NPP members to comment freely on our network without restriction provided insulting and abusing languages are not used, we would accord others the same respect and opportunity.

Finally, we would like to reassure the listening pubic that Osibisa Radio will remain focus on our vision and will live up to the highest standards they expect from us. We will not be intimidated by any individual or group of persons. We arrived on the scene to fill a vacuum, to provide accurate reportage and professionalism which the public especially those in the diaspora have been deprived off over the years. We encourage the general public to download our dedicated apps from the apps stores for android and IOS and monitor all our programmes to make their informed decisions. We thank you all for your continue support for Osibisa Radio. Signed Management Osibisa Radio, UK

Source: Osibisa Radio, UK