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Societies Of The Methodist Church Ghana’s North America Mission

Thu, 12 Aug 2010 Source: Joseph & Karen Essiful-Ansah

Societies Of The Methodist Church Ghana’s North America Mission To Hold Camp Meeting

Story by Joseph & Karen Essiful-Ansah

It will soon be the Labour Day Weekend and members of the North America Mission of The Methodist Church Ghana will be crisscrossing the Continent to converge in prayer. Retreat/Camp Meeting 2010 is slated for September 3-5 2010 and is to be hosted by young but courageous Ghana Ebenezer Methodist Society, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Months of spiritual and physical preparations usually go into these important Events and the up-coming Programme has seen no less. The Retreat/Camp Meeting under the theme “SAVED TO SERVE IN UNITY” promises to be a great blessing to all who take advantage of it. As many who have participated in previous Retreat/Camp Meetings testify this is a must for all true loving Christians and Ghana Methodists for that matter. This year’s theme was chosen to coincide with the Conference theme of The Methodist Church Ghana as the Mission readies herself to be under the Conference’s authority later this year.

Among the programmes members will be serious prayer times, Talks and discussions thereon as well as a Revival Night to be led by host Minister Rev. Charles Fiifi Acquah and Mission Evangelist Edwin Oppong Boateng. There will also be a period for members to experience Methodism via the Programme dubbed ‘Hymns of Praise to be led by Mission Music Directors led by Bro. Albert Ntiamoah- Brobbey. Methodists sing their theology and Hymnology is the bane of its worship. There will certainly be ministration in Ebibindwom too, another major trait of Ghana Methodism.

The Retreat/Camp Meeting will see the Mission Organizations well represented in fact members of the Women Fellowship led by Mission President Sis. Sarah Coffie will be first to arrive as they converge to deliberate and pray before the main Programme commences later the first day. There are plans to make special arrangements for the children and young people who will be participating in this year’s programme. Last year saw a lot of young Ghana Methodists present compelling Organizers and Mission Committee on Education and Youth to make appropriate arrangements for their benefit.

Retreat/Camp Meeting 2010 like all the others before it is open to all Christians and Ghana Methodists and is expected to be a time of members’ lives. According to Organizers of the Programme every feasible arrangement has been made to make all who attend have a memorable experience physically and spiritually. “All that needs to be done as a matter of fact now is for all to fast and pray so that as the Bible says this year’s Camp meeting would greater than the former ones”, an anonymous Mission Officer told the Reporters. In this direction the Mission Prayer Phone Meetings have over the months prayed ceaselessly for this spiritual endeavour and the Mission has declared Monday August 30 to Thursday September 2nd 2010 a period of Fasting and prayer towards the Programme. As usual members will meet on the Mission Prayer Line each of those evenings to pray at 9pm prompt. The said Phone line numbered 218-862-1000 with Access Code 147030# is open to all and has served the Mission a great deal in her endeavours.

Retreat/Camp Meeting will be climaxed with a Special Divine Service to be led by Rev. Dr. J. Osei of North Carolina. The Preacher will be Mission Chair, V. Rev. Dr. J. A. K. Bonful.


Source: Joseph & Karen Essiful-Ansah