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Speech of the UNIFIL Force Commander during GHANBATT Medal Day

Thu, 29 Mar 2007 Source: --

The Honorary Consulate-General of Ghana to Lebanon

The Leader of the Ghana Military Delegation

The DFC and Senior Staff Officers of the UNIFIL Headquarters

The Director of Administrations and Civilian Staff of UNIFIL

Mayors and Mokhtars

Senior Officers of the Lebanese Armed Forces

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen

Today is the day the United Nations has set aside to show its appreciation to the Gallant Officers, Men and Women of UNIFIL GHANBATT 65 for their dedication to duty, their professionalism and above all, their contribution towards the overall success of the mission of UNIFIL. On behalf of the United Nations Secretary-General, I am delighted to be presenting Peace Medals to all ranks of GHANBATT. Your Battalion has been in the Mission area for a little over four months now – a period which is very difficult, since it comes immediately after 34-day war between Hezbollah and the Israeli Defence Forces. The Peace Medals presented is therefore the United Nations gratitude and appreciation to you all for your commitment, sacrifice and hard work.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, since my assumption of Command as the Force Commander, I have closely monitored the activities of all Battalions under UNIFIL and I am proud to say that GHANBATT 65 have excelled in the role as loyal, dedicated and committed Peacekeepers in the Sector West of the UNIFIL Area of Operations. I wish to recognise at this stage that GHANBATT is the oldest serving formed contingent of UNIFIL having served with UNIFIL continuously since 1979. Therefore the experience of GHANBATT in the area of operations has greatly been beneficial to all new contingents who were deployed after the 34-day war.

Operationally, The Battalion has performed creditably which is manifested in your ability to implement UNIFIL’s Mission. Your monthly Live Exercises at your various Companies, coupled with your numerous Day and Night Patrols, has confirmed how well-trained and prepared you are for the tasks ahead. It is also significant to note the professionalism shown by your troops in manning all the sensitive positions along the Blue Line in your Area of Operation. In addition, I have noted with great interest your cooperation with other contingents in Sector West to conduct Joint Exercises as part of cooperation and cross boundary activities by units within the UNIFIL.

Distinguished ladies and Gentlemen, the cordial relations GHANBATT has established with the Lebanese people over the years are worth mentioning, especially in areas of Humanitarian Assistance and CIMIC activities. I am aware that emergency medical cases reported by the locals to your Level One Hospital are quickly taken care of in addition to Medical Outreach Programmes organised by your Battalion in some towns within your area of operation. I recognise the numerous works especially in Mine Awareness and English lectures you have undertaken in the Towns of Marwhin, Al-Qawzah, Debel, Rumesh and many other areas as part of your CIMIC responsibilities. The presence of the Mayors and Mockhtars in your Sector on this occasion testifies to the good relationship you have with the people in your area of operation.

I wish to take this opportunity to specially commend the Commanding Officer of the Ghana Battalion, Lt Col Emmanuel Kotia, who is the Parade Commander, for his dedication to duty and leadership qualities that has led to the success of his Battalion. Furthermore, I wish to thank the Contingent Commander, for his guidance and support.

Permit me to acknowledge the presence in our midst of a special delegation representing the Government of Ghana and the Ghana Armed Forces. It is led by no less a person than the Chief of the Naval Staff of the Ghana Armed Forces, Rear Admiral ARS Nuno. You are most welcome to the UNIFIL Area of Responsibility. This indeed goes to prove the importance the Ghana Armed Forces in particular and the Ghana Government as a whole attaches to its troops deployed in the Mission Area.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen. Today’s ceremony has also coincided with the 50th Independence Anniversary Celebrations of the Republic of Ghana. Exactly Fifty years ago, Ghana gained her independence from the British. It is significant to know that Ghana was the first African Country South of the Sahara to become independent. This motivated other countries to press for theirs making Ghana a pioneer for the struggle for independence on the African Continent. On behalf of the United Nations Secretary-General and on my own behalf, I wish to congratulate the President and the People of Ghana for this achievement and wish them all the best in the years ahead. Fifty Years of nationhood is no mean achievement. It is therefore in the right direction that GHANBATT is taking time off their busy operational duties to celebrate this achievement.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, for close to thirty-years Ghana has continued to faithfully serve with the United Nations, contributing to all the success stories to the UN Body as a whole. Ghana has provided troops to support UN Peacekeeping Operations for close to four decades now. Ghana was the one of the first countries to deploy troops here in South Lebanon under General Emmanuel Erskine who became the first UNIFIL Force Commander. At the moment, Ghanaian troops are

serving with UN Missions here in Lebanon, Congo, Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire, and Military Observers serving in different UN theatres. The immediate past Secretary - General of the United Nations, Mr Kofi Annan, himself a Ghanaian, is the only Secretary-General of the United Nations who rose through the ranks with close to Forty years of distinguished service to humanity. Mr Kofi Annan is credited with initiating reforms of the UN Body and his name and that of Ghana will continue to be mentioned anytime the success story of UN is mentioned.

I am most delighted also to perform the official commissioning of this new Headquarters GHANBATT. This is one of the modern Headquarters in UNIFIL. The camp has been named after a distinguished gentleman and an Officer of the Ghana Armed Forces who was also the Force Commander of UNIFIL between 1 December 1999 and 15 May 2001. I am delighted to know that Lieutenant General Seth Obeng distinguished himself so well under UNIFIL and continued to become the Chief of the Defence Staff of the Ghana Armed Forces from 2001 to 2005. He is now a member of the Eminent Group of Persons of the Economic Community of West African States and also designated as a United Nations Envoy.

Finally, I congratulate the Commanding Officers, Officers, Men and Women of GHANBATT 65 for their impeccable turnout and outstanding drill displayed this morning. I am aware that your performance today epitomises the performance of all Ghanaian soldiers who are noted for their Professionalism, Precision and Seriousness.

I now declare the New Headquarters formally opened.

Thank you, Choukhran and May God bless us all.

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